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Session Laws and Journals, 1973, November Special Session
Volume 712, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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1973]                   OF THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES                        9

FOR the purpose of providing that the Governor may suspend certain
provisions of law regarding the maximum lead content of gasoline sold
in the State under certain conditions and for a certain limited period
of time due to the possible emergency presented by a gasoline shortage.

BY repealing and re-enacting, with amendments,

Article 56—Licenses
Section 157N

Annotated Code of Maryland
(1972 Replacement Volume and 1973 Supplement)

Read the first time and referred to the Committee on Rules.

House Bill No. 3—By Delegate Sklar:

AN ACT concerning

Petroleum Products—Fair Marketing Act

FOR the purpose of establishing a plan for the equitable delivery and
sale of certain petroleum products by certain persons, defining terms,
prohibiting certain actions, providing remedies for noncompliance,
providing defenses, providing for the supervision of the new subhead-
ing, and generally relating to an equitable distribution of petroleum
products to certain persons due to the emergency situation created
by the shortages of certain products.

BY adding to

Article 23—Corporations

Section 167J, 167K, 167M and new subheading

"Petroleum Products Fair Marketing Act"

Annotated Code of Maryland

(1973 Replacement Volume and 1973 Supplement)

Read the first time and referred to the Committee on Rules.

House Bill No. 4—By Delegate Sklar:

AN ACT concerning

Advisory Council on Energy

FOR the purpose of establishing the Advisory Council on Energy and
specifying its membership and its duties, and generally relating to the
establishment of a council which shall formulate and evaluate plans
and recommendations for energy development, utilization, manage-
ment, regulation and conservation, and adding a new subheading to
establish this Council.


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Session Laws and Journals, 1973, November Special Session
Volume 712, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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