1973] OF THE SENATE 15
November 9, 1973.
The Honorable William S. James
President of the Maryland Senate
The State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Senator James:
1 am writing this letter in reference to Senate Bill No. 4 which is
presently before your body. I am sure that you are all aware of the
extreme emergency which has necessitated the introduction of this legis-
The bill gives emergency powers to the Governor which he does not
have at the present time, but which are absolutely necessary to act in
the present crisis situation. However, I feel that there should be joint
executive and legislative responsibility in this situation.
I have publicly stated and I want to emphasize that it is my intention
before promulgating any initial rules or regulations to submit those rules
and regulations to the legislative Committee on Administrative, Execu-
tive and Legislative Review for their approval. I will not promulgate
any such rules or regulations without their concurrence. On any sub-
sequent major actions, I would submit them where possible to the Com-
mittee for their consideration.
But I must make this exception: where there is an immediate crisis
situation where we have to act, I would then request your permission
to contact the Chairman of the above committee, inform him of what
we intend to do, and subsequently allow the committee to review my
action and submit their comments or proposed changes.
This will give both the Executive and Legislative branches the sharing
of responsibility in this situation which I think is essential, but in
addition will insure the people of Maryland that no action will be
taken without the concurrence of both branches of government. I would
hope that if the bill is enacted this letter would be made part of the
journal so that there is a complete understanding of both branches of
government as to what their respective roles will be.
Which was read.
Senator Pine asked that the rules be suspended in order to report the
following bill and two-thirds of the Senators-elect, voting in the affirma-
tive, the rules were suspended by yeas and nays as follows:
President, Bailey, Bishop, Blount, Bozick. Byrnes, Clark, Conroy, Coolahan, Craw-
ford, Curran, Dalton, Emanuel, Finney, Goodman, Hall, Hodges, Hoyer, Lapides, Lipin,
Malkus, Mason, McGuirk, Miller, Mitchell, Mrs. Nock, Pine, Mrs. Schweinhaut, Smelser,
Snyder, Staszak, Staten, Steers, Steinberg, Stone, Thomas, Mrs. Welcome, Wilson.