under the new subheading "Allocation of Jurisdiction Between Appellate
Courts," providing for the elimination of procedures for the transfer of
cases between the Court of Appeals .and the Court of Special Appeals,
defining terms, increasing the jurisdiction of the Court of Special Appeals,
allocating jurisdiction between the two courts both before and after
January 1, 1975; providing that the Court of Appeals may review by
certiorari a case pending the Court of Special Appeals either before or
after decision in the latter court, and either on its own motion or on
motion of a party; eliminating appeals as of right to the Court of Appeals
after January 1, 1975; providing for procedures for the grant of certiorari
by the Court of Appeals and relating generally to procedures in and juris-
diction of the Court of Appeals and the Court of Special Appeals.
The President put the question: Shall the bill pass notwithstanding the
objections of the Executive ?
The President announced the veto was sustained by roll call as follows:
President, Mrs. Abrams, Bailey, Bauman, Bertorelli, Bishop, Blount, Boyer, Bozick,
Byrnes, Clark, Conroy, Coolahan, Curran, Dalton, Emanuel, Finney, Hall, Hodges, Hoyer,
Lapides, Lipin, Malkus, McGuirk, Mrs. Nock, Pascal, Pine, Mrs. Schweinhaut, Smelser,
Snyder, Staszak, Staten, Steinberg, Stone, Thomas, Mrs. Welcome, Wilson. Total—37
June 1, 1973.
Honorable William S. James
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. President:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17, of the Maryland Constitution,
I have today vetoed Senate Bill 681.
This bill would require the Board of School Commissioners of Baltimore
City to offer driver education to high school students in the Baltimore
City public school system.
I have been informed by the sponsor of this bill that it would cost
Baltimore City an additional $505,000. Because these funds are presently
unavailable for this program, the Sponsor has requested that the bill be
vetoed. I have received a similar request from the Mayor of Baltimore
Consequently, I have decided to veto Senate Bill 681 at the request
of the sponsor and the Mayor of Baltimore City.
Which was read.