duty of a police officer to advise a suspect of the penalties for refusing
to take the test. On the other hand, the language of Section 6-205.1(d),
which contains the provisions relating to suspension hearings, would
continue, albeit inconsistently, to imply that the suspension requirement is
not absolute. Thus, for example, it would provide for a suspension only
if it is concluded that the operator refused, "without reasonable cause",
to take the test. This qualified language is incompatible with that else-
where contained in the section and in the operator's contract with the
Because of its internal inconsistencies, I have decided to veto Senate
Bill 507.
Which was read.
Senate Bill No. 507—By Senator Abrams:
An Act to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Sections 6-205.1 and
6-205.2 of Article 66˝ of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1970 Replace-
ment Volume and 1972 Supplement), title "Vehicle Laws," subtitle "Sub-
title 6. Drivers' Licenses," subheading "Part II. Cancellation, Refusal, Sus-
pension or Revocation of Licenses," providing a mandatory minimum and
maximum length of time that a person's driver's license shall be suspended
for refusing to take a chemical test to determine the alcohol content of
their blood, deleting language referring to "the chemical test to deter-
mine the alcoholic content of blood, breath, or urine" and substituting
language that refers to "a chemical test of blood, breath or urine to
determine the alcohol content of blood"; and making certain technical
corrections to the language of these sections.
The President put the question: Shall the bill pass notwithstanding the
objections of the Executive?
The President announced the veto was sustained by roll call as follows:
President, Mrs. Abrams, Bailey, Bauman, Bertorelli, Bishop, Blount, Boyer, Bozick,
Byrnes, Clark, Conroy, Coolahan, Curran, Dalton, Emanuel, Finney, Goodman, Hodges,
Hoyer, Lapides, Lipin, Malkaus, McGuirk, Mrs. Nock, Pascal, Pine, Mrs. Schweinhaut,
Smelser, Snyder, Staszak, Staten, Steers, Steinberg, Stone, Thomas, Mrs. Welcome,
Wilson. Total—38
June 1, 1973.
Honorable William S. James
President of the Senate
State House
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Mr. President:
In accordance with Article II, Section 17, of the Maryland Constitution,
I have today vetoed Senate Bill 641.
This bill places the Board of Boiler Rules within the Division of Labor
and Industry.