is entitled to receive such renumeration, or who is on leave from any such
department, bureau, agency, commission or board of the State, promote or oppose,
in any manner, directly or indirectly, the passage by the General Assembly of any
legislation, or act in any manner as a legislative agent, lobbyist or counsel before
any legislative committee, or otherwise; this restriction shall not apply to
legislation involving or affecting the department, bureau, agency, commission or
board of the State with which the officer, agent, or employee is connected or by
whom he is employed, nor shall this restriction apply to any representative of an
employees' organization or association who has been duly authorized as a
representative of the organization or association to promote the Legislative
program of the organization or association. No employee of the State or of any
department, bureau, agency, commission or board of the State shall in any event,
appear or act as a legislative agent, lobbyist or counsel without the express
approval of the head of the department, bureau, agency, commission or board by
whom he is employed; provided, however that the provisions of this section shall
not prevent the appearance and testimony before any committee or group of
members of the General Assembly of an officer, agent or employee of the State or
of any department, bureau or agency of the State or any member of any
commission or board of the State upon the specific request of a member of the
General Assembly.
SEC. 4. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED. That any passenger motor
vehicle to be used by a State officer or employee, other than an elected official or
law enforcement personnel, to be purchased with funds appropriated by this Act,
shall comply with the standard specification as approved by the Board of Public
Works with the advice of the Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning; provided,
however, that in the case of the administrative head of any State department or
agency whose duties require that he travel extensively throughout the State, the
Board of Public Works may authorize the purchase of a class of passenger vehicle
which is in excess of the standard specification.
SEC. 5. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That it is the intention that the
appropriations contained in this bill for the State Office Buildings in Annapolis
and Baltimore are to be supplemented by transfers from the budgets of the various
agencies and departments occupying the buildings for such expenses as may not be
adequately provided for within the respective budgets for the operation and
maintenance of these buildings. The above transfers, if necessary, are to be effected
by the budget amendment.
SECTION 6. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That it is the intention of
the General Assembly to include herein a listing of unclassified flat rate and/or per
diem positions by agency, job classification, the number in each job classification
and the amount proposed for each classification in accordance with Article 15A,
Section 20(c) of the Annotated Code of Maryland.