voter and resident of Area No. 7 to serve as a member
of the Fire Board from such area and he shall serve
until the next election of members of the Fire Board
in Hay of 1955. In May of 1955 and thereafter, the
member of the Fire Board from Area No. 7 shall be
elected for a term of two years as are other members
of the Fire Board.
SECTION 9. Section 34-4, title "Composition,
appointment, etc., of commission," Chapter 34, title
"Gaithersburg—Washington Grove," of the Montgomery
County Code 1965, as amended, is hereby repealed and
re—enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
Sec. 34—1. Composition, appointment, etc., of
There is hereby created a commission to manage
the finances of the Gaithersburg—Washington Grove Fire
Department, raised by the levy of the tax provided in
Section 2-83 (d)2 of this Code, the commission to
consist of seven members, all of whom shall be
taxpayers, to be appointed for a term of one year and
in the following manner:
Two of the members shall be appointed by
the mayor and council of Gaithersburg; two by the
mayor and council of Washington Grove; two by the
members of the Gaithersburg—Washington Grove Fire
Department, Inc., from its active membership, and one
shall be selected by the six members appointed as
herein provided from outside the sanitary zone but a
taxpayer of the area depicted as
"Gaithersburg—Washington Grove" described and outlined
on the Map following Section 27—3 of this Code.
SECTION 10. Section 35-2, title "Area defined;
annual levy; treasurer's duties and bond; fire board,"
Chapter 35, title "Hillandale," of the Montgomery
County Code 1965, as amended, is hereby repealed and
re—enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
Sec. 35-2. Fire Board.
There is hereby created a Fire Board of the
Hillandale Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., of the
County. The board of trustees of the Hillandale
Volunteer Fire Department, Inc., of the County, shall