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Session Laws, 1973
Volume 709, Page 3090   View pdf image
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ballot of the registered voters for members in their
respective areas and by all the registered voters in
the entire fire district for the members at large.

(d)    Any member selected to succeed an
original member of the Fire Board shall be selected
for a terra of two years commencing upon the expiration
of the term of office for which his predecessor was
selected; except, that any member selected to fill a
vacancy occurring prior to the expiration of the term
of office for which his predecessor was selected,
shall hold office only for the remainder of such term.

(e)    Thirty days prior to election dates,
the body conducting the election shall give public
notice of the vacancies to be filled, the date for
filing nominating petitions, as well as the date of
the election by the posting of notices in the Cabin
John Fire Hall, the Cabin John Post Office and
announcement in at least one newspaper of general
circulation in the fire district.

(f)    If for any reason the registered
voters of an area or of the district as a whole fail
to nominate or elect a member to the Fire Board such
Fire Beard shall select from that area or the district
as a whole a qualified person to represent the area or
the district at large and such person shall have all
the rights and privileges in every manner as though
elected by the registered voters in his area or the
district at large.

(g)    Members of the Fire Board shall serve
without compensation and the Fire Board shall elect
annually from its members a chairman and a treasurer,
and shall elect such other officers and adopt such
regulations covering the affairs of the Fire Board, as
they may dees appropriate.

SECTION 8. Section 30-3, title "Area No. 7 fire
board member," Chapter 30, title "Cabin John Park," of
the Montgomery County Code 1965, as amended, is hereby
repealed and re—enacted, with amendments, to read as

Sec. 30—2- Area No. 7 Fire Board member.

On August 15, 1951, or as soon thereafter as
convenient, the Fire Board shall appoint a registered


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Session Laws, 1973
Volume 709, Page 3090   View pdf image
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