Approved: February 3, 1972
Chapter 15
Bill No. 39-71
AN ACT to amend Chapter 2, title "Administration," of
Title I, title "General Local Laws," of the
Montgomery County Code 1965, as amended, fay
repealing and re—enacting, with amendments.
Section 2-8 3, title "Fire Board," of Article
XIII, title "Advisory Boards," subsection (a),
title "Fire Board Established and Membership," to
provide that the second delegate to the
Montgomery County Fire Board from the City of
Takoma Park be appointed by the Mayor and City
Council of the City of Takoma Park from
nominations submitted to them by the Takoma Park
Volunteer Fire Department, Inc.; subsection (c),
title "Duties, responsibilities and authority,"
to provide that the Fire Board through its
executive committee furnish the County Council
and the County Executive annual reports setting
forth its actions in carrying out its
responsibilities and authority, and to. provide
that when there are differences between fire
departments and rescue squads as to response
areas, redistricting, or station locations or
changes the Fire Board shall use and adopt a
system of arbitration to arrive at its
recommendations to the Council and the Executive;
subsection (d), title "Budget and Fiscal
Procedures," to provide that the fire department
for the City of Takoma Park shall prepare and
submit a budget for that part of the Consolidated
Fire Tax District served by that department, to
provide that the Fire Board shall forward all
budgets to the County Executive for submission to
the Council under budget procedures delineated in
the County Charter, to provide that budget
transmittal shall be effectuated in accordance
with time deadlines specified by the County
Executive, to provide that Fire Board
recommendations for changes as to the fire tax
district boundaries shall be forwarded to the