such fire engine house.
Sec. 21.108 - Same; driving across fire hose.
No person shall drive any vehicle ever or across
any hose in use or about to be used in any street,
lane, alley, avenue, road or public place in Howard
County by any Fire Department for extinguishing any
fire that may occur therein; provided, however, that
this section shall not apply to drivers of trucks
carrying the United States mail, or to drivers of
physicians' vehicles, or to drivers of ambulances,
when conveying any injured person from the scene of
any accident by which persons may have been injured,
or any patient to the hospital, or when proceeding to
the scene of any such accident, or to the drivers of
any vehicles who may be permitted to drive over or
across such hose by the officer in command of the Fire
Department when operating at any such fire and under
his direction.
Sec. 21.109 - Same; penalties.
As used in Sections 21.106 to 21.108 the term
"vehicle" shall include any automobile, truck,
motorcyle, wagon, carriage, omnibus, pushcart,
bicycle, and/or conveyances similar thereto.
Any person violating any of the provisions of
Sections 21.106 to 21.108 shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and, on conviction thereof before any
Justice of the Peace for Harford County, shall be
subject to a fine of not less than One Dollar ($1.00)
and not more than Twenty—five Dollars ($25.00).]
[21.105 - Through Trucks Prohibited
Except to make deliveries or pickups along the
street, no person shall operate a truck of a capacity
greater than three quarters of a ton as indicated by
the manufacturer thereof, on that section of St.
John's Lane beginning 900 feet west of U.S. 29, at the
intersection of St. John's Lane and Columbia Road, and
extending north along St. John's Lane to the
intersection of St. John's Lane and U.S. 40 RT. 144.
Any person found guilty of violating this subtitle by
a court of competent jurisdiction shall be fined not
less than Five ($5.00) Dollars or more than One
Hundred ($100.00) Dollars for each offense.]