The Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee
The Chairman of the Capital Budget Sub-committee
of the Legislative Council
Each of the legislative members of the Commission shall serve in an ex officio
and non-voting capacity.
The Commission on State Debt shall meet regularly, at periodic intervals to be
established when the Commission is organized.
Article 15A, Section 3, Paragraph 23B of the Legislative Acts of 1969, as
amended, places primary responsibility in the Department of Budget and Fiscal
Planning in consultation with the State Comptroller, for planning and control of
the State automatic data processing (ADP) function. To provide the requisite
framework for achieving and maintaining a viable and efficient ADP capability,
the ADP policies herein described will be immediately implemented.
A. The State will manage and develop its ADP resources according to a master
plan and implementation schedule, periodically updated to reflect future
information requirements.
B. Mechanization of any systems will be limited to those which can be
measured in terms of savings of manpower, funds, time, or which contribute
significantly to management effectiveness. All systems must have prior approval of
the Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning.
C. All State ADP personnel except the State Central ADP Staff will report
functionally and administratively to ADP Directors responsible for the several
Data Processing Service Centers defined by the Department of Budget and Fiscal
Planning. Departments not having ADP resources will maintain ADP liaison with
the appropriate Data Processing Service Center.
D. The ADP resources of the State will be identified in the budget as separate
cost centers corresponding to the Data Processing Service Centers.
E. Acquisition of new equipment, augmentation of existing equipment, or
disposal of equipment no longer required must have prior approval of the
Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning.
F. Acquisition of equipment by one agency will not preclude the use of that
equipment by another agency. Where feasible, an agency will make machine time
available on a regular recurring basis to meet the requirements of the agency not
having equipment. Centralization of data processing services will be fully exploited
where cost reductions without adverse effect can be achieved.
G. All changes effected by any department or agency pertaining to data
processing systems shall first be reviewed and approved by the Department of
Budget and Fiscal Planning.
H. All Contracts or partnerships affecting State ADP resources will be
accomplished by and through the Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning.
I. Centralized control of the planning and utilization of Statewide ADP
resources will be accomplished by the State Central ADP Staff in conjunction with
the State ADP Management Review Board.
The Department of Budget and Fiscal Planning will immediately convene the
ADP Management Review Board, as herein described, for the purpose of providing
executive guidance in the formulation and review of plans and policies for the
development, acquisition and utilization of State ADP resources. Furthermore, the