Governor Marvin Mandel be requested to direct the Secretary of the State
Department of Transportation to review this situation and determine the need for a
full-time ambulance service specifically for Friendship Airport; and be it further
RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the Governor and to the
Honorable Harry Hughes, Secretary of Transportation, P. O. Box 8755,
Friendship International Airport, Baltimore, Maryland 21240.
Approved May 21, 1973.
No. 43
(Senate Joint Resolution 47)
Senate Joint Resolution praising Odell M. Smith and others for their work in
preparing the "Maryland Legislator's Handbook," and requesting the printing
and distribution of copies of the handbook to public libraries, to certain
educational institutions, and to the citizens of Maryland.
WHEREAS, Odell M. Smith, of the Department of Fiscal Services, has
prepared, with the cooperation of a distinguished group of resident scholars, an
extremely informative primer on the legislative process in Maryland that is entitled
the "Maryland Legislator's Handbook"; and
WHEREAS, The "Maryland Legislator's Handbook" is the best short survey
of the historic and current practices of the Maryland General Assembly available
today; and
WHEREAS, Wide public dissemination of information about the Maryland
General Assembly increases the general public's interest in and knowledge about
the General Assembly and thereby makes the General Assembly a more effective
body; now, therefore, be it
General Assembly extends its heartiest thanks to Odell M. Smith, Carl Everstine,
Paul D. Cooper, Gust Skordas, and the others who helped produce the "Maryland
Legislator's Handbook" for their outstanding job; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Maryland State Library distribute a copy of the
"Maryland Legislator's Handbook" to every public library and every public or
private school (above the elementary school level), college, and university in the
State of Maryland; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the Maryland Hall of Records Commission make available
to any Maryland citizen upon request a copy of the "Maryland Legislator's
Handbook" for free or for not greater than cost; and be it further
RESOLVED, That the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of
Delegates shall cause to be printed a supply of the "Maryland Legislator's
Handbook" sufficient for the purposes of distribution pursuant to the terms of this
Resolution; and be it further
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be sent to Odell M. Smith, Carl
Everstine, Paul D. Cooper, Gust Skordas, the Maryland State Library, and the
Maryland Hall of Records Commission.