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Session Laws, 1973
Volume 709, Page 1873   View pdf image
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MARVIN MANDEL, Governor                                 1873

No. 41
(Senate Joint Resolution 37)

Senate Joint Resolution requesting the Congress of the United States to propose
an amendment to the United States Constitution to effectuate protection of
unborn humans.

WHEREAS, The law of Maryland has always recognized that unborn humans
are entitled to legal protection: and

WHEREAS, The Supreme Court of the United States has expressly deprived
unborn humans of all legal and constitutional protection during the first six
months of gestation; and

WHEREAS, The Supreme Court of the United States has effectively deprived
unborn humans of all legal and constitutional protection during the last three
months of gestation by ruling that the interest of the viable unborn child is
subordinate to his or her mother's sense of physical, emotional, psychological and
familial well-being; now, therefore, be it

Congress of the United States propose an amendment to the United States
Constitution to effectuate protection of unborn humans; and be it further

RESOLVED, That copies of this Resolution be sent to the United States
Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Approved May 21, 1973.

No. 42
(Senate Joint Resolution 45)

Senate Joint Resolution requesting the Governor to direct the Secretary of the
Department of Transportation to review the need for a full-time ambulance
service at Friendship International Airport.

WHEREAS, Friendship International Airport now utilizes Anne Arundel
County ambulance facilities for its emergency requirements; and

WHEREAS, This poses an undue strain on Anne Arundel County ambulance
services because the heavily populated northern part of the county does not have
sufficient ambulance service to meet normal emergency calls; and

WHEREAS, Growing population and expanding commercial and industrial
facilities in the County will continue to add to the need for emergency services; and

WHEREAS, Friendship International Airport attracts thousands of people daily
from all over the world and has plans for expansion; and

WHEREAS, In addition, seriously ill persons are frequently flown into the
airport for transfer to Baltimore's and Washington's world-renowned medical
centers, and Anne Arundel County ambulances must now be used for this service;
now, therefore, be it


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Session Laws, 1973
Volume 709, Page 1873   View pdf image
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