(p) The term "cosmetologist-aide" is defined as any person at least 16 years of
age who under the supervision of a beauty shop manager in a registered beauty
salon, for compensation engages in limited practices of beauty culture, restricted
to, shampooing, the removal of nets, rollers, clips, pins, permanent wave solutions,
neutralizers, stabilizers, hair relaxers, waving rods, tints or bleaches, sterilizing of
equipment and like activities.
(a) No person shall be permitted by the Board to take an examination to receive
a certificate as an operator unless such person shall be at least seventeen years of
age, have an [eight] EIGHTH grade education, or its equivalent, and has been
registered as a student and has had training, as hereinafter provided in this subtitle,
in a beauty school duly registered by the Board, or by another state having
substantially equivalent or more stringent standards for registration than those
imposed by § 536 of this article, and allowing persons trained in Maryland beauty
schools to take their State examination after 1,500 hours training, or has served as
an apprentice in an approved beauty shop for a period of not less than two years.
Raw milk supplies and pasteurized milk products from points beyond the limits
of routine inspection of the State of Maryland may not be sold in the State of
Maryland unless produced, processed, or pasteurized under provisions which are
substantially equivalent to the requirements of this subtitle or of any rule or
regulation issued thereunder, and which are enforced with equal effectiveness, as
determined by an acceptable current individual milk sanitation compliance and
enforcement rating made by a State milk sanitation rating officer certified by the
appropriate federal authority and listed in the interstate milk shippers report
published by same. Provided, further, the Secretary shall make inspections of dairy
farms and plants on all initial applications for permits to determine substantial
compliance with the generally accepted regulations. In addition the Secretary
reserves the right to make inspections at any time thereafter of any permittee
should in its opinion conditions warrant such action. The cost of such inspection
shall be borne by the applicant or permittee. The billing and collection shall be
handled by the Maryland State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. No
permit shall be issued under this section to dairy [farm I FARMS or plants
situated in a jurisdiction which does not authorize import of raw milk supplies or
pasteurized milk products from any part of this State.
(b) If the Board determines that another state or jurisdiction has requirements
equivalent to or higher than those in effect pursuant to this subtitle for the practice
of audiology or speech pathology, and that state or jurisdiction has a program
equivalent to or stricter than the program for determining whether applicants
pursuant to this subtitle are qualified to practice audiology or speech pathology,
the Board may issue certificates of endorsement to applicants therefor who hold
current, unsuspended, and unrevoked certificates or licenses to practice audiology
or speech pathology in the other state or jurisdiction. No applicant for a certificate
of endorsement pursuant to this subsection is required to submit to or undergo any
examination, investigation, or other procedure, other than the payment of fees
pursuant to [§§] SECTION 793 of this subtitle. The holder of a certificate of
endorsement shall be registered in the same manner as holders of certificates of
registration. The fee for an initial certificate of endorsement shall be the same as
the fee for an initial certificate of registration. Fee, grounds, and procedures or