872 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 302
nonprofit institution. Notwithstanding any of the foregoing provi-
sions of this subsection, all colleges and universities in this State
are institutions of higher education for purposes of this section.
"Hospital" means an institution as described in Section 556 (b) of
Article 43 of the Annotated Code of Maryland 1965 Replacement
Volume as amended.
"The Maryland Workshop for the Blind" means the institution as
established by Section 4 of Article 30 of the Annotated Code of Mary-
land, 1971 Replacement Volume as amended, and shall be regarded as
an instrumentality of the State for purposes of Article 95A.
(v) For the purposes of paragraphs (iii) hereof the term "em-
ployment" shall not apply to service performed:
In the employ of a church or convention or association of churches,
or an organization which is operated primarily for religious pur-
poses and which is operated, supervised, controlled, or principally
supported by a church or convention or association of churches; or
By a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister of a
church in the exercise of his ministry or by a member of a religious
order in the exercise of duties required by that order; or
In the employ of a school which is not an institution of higher
education; or
In a facility conducted for the purpose of carrying out a program
of rehabilitation for individuals whose earning capacity is impaired
by age or physical or mental deficiency or injury or providing remun-
erative work for individuals who because of their impaired physical
or mental capacity cannot be readily absorbed in the competitive
labor market by an individual receiving such rehabilitation or re-
munerative work; [or] provided, however, employment does include
services rendered by the unsighted or other severely handicapped
employees of The Maryland Workshop for the Blind; or
As part of an unemployment work-relief or work-training program
assisted or financed in whole or in part by any federal agency or an
agency of a state or political subdivision thereof, by an individual
receiving that work relief or work training; or
For a hospital in a state prison or other state correctional institu-
tion by an inmate of the prison or correctional institution.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1972.
Approved May 5, 1972.
(House Bill 734)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 126(b)
of Article 66C of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1970 Replace-
ment Volume), title "Natural Resources," subtitle "Birds, Game