Volume 708, Page 629 View pdf image |
Marvin Mandel, Governor 629 For arresting any person charged with a misdemeanor for en- § 18. Levy of fees for executing criminal business. [The county commissioners in the several counties and the mayor § 20. Enumeration. [(a) Generally.—The justices of the peace of this State shall be For issuing each summons in debt or damages, or writ of re- For each summons for witnesses, including all the witnesses applied for at the same time.......................................................40 For venire to summon freeholders.................................................50 For fieri facias...................................................................................50 For venditioni exponas.....................................................................50 For scire facias .................................................................................60 For every supersedeas .....................................................................30 For every oath or affidavit...............................................................20 For probate of account.....................................................................25 For every judgment rendered where there is no trial................ 1.00 For every judgment rendered on trial.......................................... 1.00 For every warrant of attachment against a resident debtor.....60 For every attachment against a nonresident or absconding debtor ............................................................................................ 1.50 For attachment of contempt .........................................................50 For venire to summon a jury in case of forcible entry and de- For taking inquisition and return thereof.................................... 5.00 For warrant of restitution.............................................................. 2.00 For taking every acknowledgment of every deed or other in- For a certificate of estrays .............................................................40 For issuing writ of attachment by ways of execution.................60
Volume 708, Page 629 View pdf image |
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