594 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 181
(2) A warrant shall issue only upon an affidavit of an officer or em-
ployee duly designated and having knowledge of the facts alleged,
sworn to before the judge [or magistrate] and establishing the
grounds for issuing the warrant. If the judge [or magistrate] is satis-
fied that grounds for the application exist or that there is probable
cause to believe they exist, he shall issue a warrant identifying the
area, premises, building, or conveyance to be inspected, the purpose of
such inspection, and, where appropriate, the type of property to be
inspected, if any. The warrant shall identify the item or types of
property to be seized, if any. The warrant shall be directed to a per-
son authorized to execute it. The warrant shall state the grounds for
its issuance and the name of the person or persons whose affidavit has
been taken in support thereof. It shall command the person to whom
it is directed to inspect the area, premises, building, or conveyance
identified for the purpose specified, and, where appropriate, shall
direct the seizure of the property specified. The warrant shall direct
that it be served during normal business hours. It shall designate the
judge [or magistrate] to whom it shall be returned.
(3) A warrant issued pursuant to this section must be executed and
returned within ten days of its date. If property is seized pursuant to
a warrant, the person executing the warrant shall give to the person
from whom or from whose premises the property was taken a copy of
the warrant and a receipt for the property taken or shall leave the
copy and receipt at the place from which the property was taken. The
return of the warrant shall be made promptly and shall be accom-
panied by a written inventory of any property taken. The inventory
shall be made in the presence of the person executing the warrant
and of the person from whose possession or premises the property
was taken, if they are present, or in the presence of at least one
credible person other than the person executing the warrant. The
judge [or magistrate], upon request, shall deliver a copy of the inven-
tory to the person from whom or from whose premises the property
was taken and to the applicant for the warrant.
(4) The judge [or magistrate] who has issued a warrant under this
section shall attach to the warrant a copy of the return and all papers
filed in connection therewith and shall file them with the clerk of
the court from which the warrant was issued.
§ 320. Spitting on floors, etc., of railroad passenger cars; arrests
by conductors, etc.
It shall be unlawful for any person to expectorate or spit on the
floors, sides, seats or platforms of any railroad or RAILWAY
passenger cars in this State, under a penalty of three dollars
and costs[, one half of said fine to go to the informer or party
arresting and furnishing the evidence upon which the offender
is convicted]. And for the purposes of this section all rail-
road or railway conductors and brakemen running on passenger
trains are empowered to arrest such offenders and take them
before the nearest [justice of the peace] court of competent
jurisdiction at the next convenient stop of said train within this State
for trial [, and such justices are given jurisdiction in the case]. In
default of payment of fine and costs any party so convicted [shall]
may be sentenced to jail [for not more than five days] pursuant to
the provisions of article 38, § 4; provided, however, that smoking
cars in which cuspidors are not placed by the company operating the
same shall be exempt from the operation of this section.