Marvin Mandel, Governor 593
§ 268. Hunting on lands without permission; special provision as
to Somerset County.
Every person who shall, upon any pretense whatever, come to hunt
with gun or dog upon the lands of another without leave or license
from the owner or possessors thereof first had and obtained, provided
that, in Somerset County such leave or license must be in writing
during the deer season, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
on conviction thereof [before some justice of the peace in the county
where the offense is committed] shall be fined [by said justice of the
peace] not less than five nor more than twenty-five dollars, and shall
stand committed to the county jail pursuant to the provisions of article
38, § 4 [until such fine and costs are paid; provided, however, that the
person or persons so convicted shall have the right to appeal from
the judgment of said justice of the peace to the circuit court for
the county where the offense was committed at any time within ten
days after such judgment is rendered].
§ 275. Use, sale, etc., of cans, etc., without permission.
No person or persons shall hereafter, without the consent of the
owner or shipper, use, sell, dispose of, buy or traffic in any milk cans,
cream can or cases belonging to any dealer or shipper of milk or cream
residing in the State of Maryland or elsewhere who may ship milk or
cream to any city, town or place within this State, having the name
or initials of the owner, dealer or shipper stamped, marked or
fastened on such cans, or wilfully change by remarking or otherwise
said name or initials of any such owner, dealer or shipper so stamped,
marked or fastened upon such cans; nor shall any person, without the
consent of the owner, use such cans for any other purpose than for
milk or cream; nor shall any person or persons, without the consent of
the owner, place in any such cans any substance or product other than
milk or cream. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of
this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic-
tion [before a justice of the peace of the county wherein the offense
was committed, or] in a court of competent jurisdiction, shall be fined
not more than fifty dollars and cost of prosecution; one half of said
fine if imposed by a circuit court or the criminal court of Baltimore
shall be paid to the board of school commissioners of the county or
City of Baltimore in which the offense shall be committed; and in de-
fault in the payment of said fine [shall] may be confined in the jail
[for a period not less than thirty days nor more than sixty days]
pursuant to the provisions of article 38, § 4.
§ 294. Administrative inspections and warrants.
(a) Issuance and execution of administrative inspection warrants
shall be as follows:
(1) Any judge [or magistrate] of this State may, within his juris-
diction, and upon proper oath or affirmation showing probable cause,
as defined hereinafter, issue warrants for the purpose of conducting
administrative inspections authorized by this subheading or regula-
tions thereunder, and seizures of property appropriate to such inspec-
tions. For the purposes of this section, "probable cause" means a valid
public interest in the effective enforcement of the subheading or
regulations sufficient to justify administrative inspection of the area,
premises, building or conveyance in the circumstances specified in
the application for the warrant.