Montgomery County 2845
(BILL NO. 64-70)
AN ACT to amend Chapter 2, title "Administration," of the Mont-
gomery County Code 1965 as amended, by repealing and re-en-
acting, with amendments, subsection (a) (5) of Section 2-24,
title "Powers to adopt codes, rules, regulations, standards and
ordinances—Generally; administration and enforcement," to con-
tinue the authority of the Council to regulate the construction,
maintenance and use of vaults, tunnels, bridges, and other similar
Be It Enacted by the County Council for Montgomery County,
Maryland, that—
Sec. 1—Subsection (a) (5) of Section 2-24, Chapter 2, title
"Administration," of the Montgomery County Code 1965 as amended,
is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as
2-24. Power to adopt codes, rules, regulations, standards and ordi-
nances—Generally; administration and enforcement.
* * *
(a) (5) Streets, highways, sidewalks, etc. The location, repair,
use, grading, surfacing and other construction of streets, roads, high-
ways, alleys, driveways and sidewalks for public use, and of curbs,
gutters and drainage and other structures in connection therewith,
whether or not maintenance by the County government is thereafter
to be requested, and the construction, maintenance and use of struc-
tures, vaults, tunnels, bridges, passageways, and buildings under,
over, or across public or dedicated streets, roads, highways, alleys,
driveways and sidewalks;
Sec. 2. Effective date.
This Act shall take effect on the 76th day following its enactment.
Effective: January 25, 1971
(BILL NO. 61-70)
AN ACT to amend Article II, title "Relief and Retirement Fund" of
Chapter 18, title "Police" of the Montgomery County Code,
1965, as amended, with respect to certain provisions of the
Police Relief and Retirement Fund by amending sub-sections
16(a) (4), 17(a), 17(k), 17(n), and 17(o) to provide for em-