2844 County Local Laws
(BILL NO. 60-70)
AN ACT to add a new Section 2-16B, title "Merit System—Con-
tinued," to Chapter 2, title "Administration," of the Montgomery
County Code 1965, as amended, to follow immediately after Sec-
tion 2-16A thereof to provide a merit system for all officers and
employees of the County government except members of the
County Council, the County Executive, the Chief Administrative
Officer, the County Attorney, the heads of the several depart-
ments, special legal counsel, members of boards and commissions
and persons appointed to serve in a quasi-judicial capacity; to pro-
vide that the merit system shall be administered by the Chief
Administrative Officer, and governed by the duly adopted regula-
tions of the Personnel Board.
Be It Enacted by the County Council for Montgomery County,
Maryland, that—
Sec. 1. Section 2-16B is hereby added to Chapter 2, title "Ad-
ministration," of the Montgomery County Code 1965, as amended, to
follow immediately after Section 2-16A thereof and to read as
2-16B. Merit System—Continued.
(a) The merit system for officers and employees of the Mont-
gomery County government established pursuant to the Charter for
Montgomery County, Maryland 1948 is hereby continued. All officers
and employees of the County government, except members of the
Council, the County Executive, the Chief Administrative Officer, the
County Attorney, the heads of the several departments, special legal
counsel employed pursuant to the Charter for Montgomery County,
1968, and members of boards and commissions and other officers
authorized by law to be appointed to serve in a quasi-judicial capacity,
shall be classified as merit system employees.
(b) The merit system shall be administered by the Chief Ad-
ministrative Officer, under the direction of the County Executive, and
shall be governed by and be subject to the provisions of the Charter
for Montgomery County 1968 and the regulations adopted by the
Personnel Board and approved by the County Council.
Sec. 2. Effective date.
This Act shall take effect on the 76th day following its enactment.
Effective: January 25, 1971