Anne Arundel County 2583
Section 13-306.2—Special Exceptions.
(6A) Planned Unit Development
Section 13-314.2 Special Exceptions.
(2A) Automobile towing facilities in conjunction with auto-
mobile filling stations.
(6) Trailers and/or truck rentals in conjunction with automo-
bile filling stations.
Section 13-317.2—Special Exceptions.
(2A) Drive-in Theatres.
Section 13-343.20A Planned Commercial Complex.
Planned Commercial Complex shall be permitted in DD—Deferred
Development Districts subject to the provisions of Section 13-319.2
(b)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) of this Subtitle, as amended
by Bill No. 70-71.
Section 13-343.20B—Planned Industrial Complex.
A Planned Industrial Complex shall be permitted in Deferred
Development Districts provided it is in accordance with the provisions
of Section 13-319.2(b) (3) of this Subtitle.
Section 4. And be it further enacted, That Sections 13-342
through 13-342.4, inclusive, of said Code, Title and Subtitle, Article
XI, "Special Exceptions", Heading, "Specific Standards", Sub-head-
ing, "Planned Unit Developments" (originally enacted by Bill No.
93-70 as Sections 13-351.21 through 13-351.21D, inclusive), be and
they are hereby repealed, and new Sections 13-342 through 13-342.4,
inclusive be, and they are hereby enacted in lieu thereof, to stand
in the place of the sections repealed, to read as follows:
Section 13-342—In General.
(a) PUD—Planned Unit Developments shall encourage the de-
velopment of residential acreage under an over-all development plan ;
and encourage imagination and innovation in such development plan-
ning to the end that residential communities may offer a variety of
dwelling unit types, densities and site arrangements with well
integrated community facilities and services. Such developments are
intended to permit greater flexibility in design than would be other-
wise permitted.
(b) PUD—Planned Unit Developments may be established,
planned and developed comprehensively in any residential zoning and
deferred development districts where tracts are suitable in location
(with respect to the general pattern of urban development, and the
availability of public and private services and facilities) and char-
acter for the uses and structures proposed.
(c) In addition to residential development, PUD—Planned
Unit Developments may include commercial and professional and
light industrial facilities limited in their capacity to the needs of the