242 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 38
of Maryland), title "Allegany County," subtitle "LaVale Sanitary
Commission," to eliminate the five percentum interest limitation
imposed on revenue bonds for Sanitary Commission purposes.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 320 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Allegany
County (1963 Edition, being Article 1 of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland), title "Allegany County," subtitle "LaVale Sani-
tary Commission," be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with
amendments, to read as follows:
For the purpose of providing funds for the design, construction,
establishment, purchase, or condemnation of water supply, sewer-
age and drainage systems in the sanitary district, the Board of
County Commissioners of Allegany County is authorized and em-
powered to issue bonds, from time to time upon the full faith and
credit of Allegany County, in such amounts as it may deem to be
necessary for the Commission to carry on its work, but at no time
shall the total issue of bonds for all purposes under this subtitle ex-
ceed 20 per centum of the total value of the property assessed for
county taxation purposes within said sanitary district. Said bonds
shall be serial bonds issued upon the serial maturing plan and in such
denominations as shall be determined by the said County Commis-
sioners; said bonds may be redeemable before maturity at the option
of the said County Commissioners at such price and under such
terms and conditions as may be fixed by the said County Commis-
sioners prior to the issuance of said bonds [shall bear interest at a
rate not exceeding five per centum per annum, payable semi-annu-
ally,] and shall mature in not more than thirty years after date of
issue and shall be forever exempt from State, city and county taxa-
tion. They shall be issued under the signature and seal of the said
County Commissioners. At any time prior to the issuance of any such
bonds the County Commissioners are hereby authorized to furnish
to the Commission a sum not exceeding Five Thousand Dollars
($5,000), which shall be repaid out of the first available moneys
derived from the sale of the first bonds issued. If, in any year, the
proceeds of the district taxes and assessments authorized by this
subtitle for the payment of debt service on the bonds herein author-
ized are insufficient for such purpose, then the county commissioners
of Allegany county shall make up the deficiency by the levying on
all property in the county subject to unlimited county taxation of ad
valorem taxes in rate and amount sufficient for this purpose.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1,1972.
Approved April 11, 1972.
(Senate Bill 290)
AN ACT to legalize the 1972 Supplement to the 1969 Edition of
the Code of Public Local Laws of Charles County, being Article 9
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland, published by