2414 County Local Laws
(23) Dwelling, Duplex—A structure containing two dwelling
units, one above the other.
(24) Dwelling, Semi-Detached—A structure containing two
dwelling units side by side with a common wall or common accessory-
structure (such as a carport).
(25) Dwelling, Two-Family—A semi-detached dwelling, or a
(26) Dwelling, Multi-Family—A structure containing more
than two dwelling units. For purposes of this Subtitle, a row of
townhouses shall not be considered a multi-family dwelling.
(27) Dwelling, Town House—A single family dwelling
constructed as part of a series, all of which are either attached to the
adjacent dwelling or dwellings by party walls, or located immedi-
ately adjacent thereto with no visible separation between walls.
(27) Development—Any improvement of a site. The term may
refer to the improvement itself, or to both the improvement and the
site as a unit (as in the term "Multi family development").
(28) Essential Services—See "Public Utilities".
(29) Establishment—Headquarters of a single business. The
term includes both tenants and owners of the business property they
(30) Expressway—See "Highway".
(31) Facade—(Area of)—The measurement of the surface
area for a single elevation of a structure.
(32) Floor Area—The sum of the gross horizontal areas of all
of the stories of a structure measured from the exterior faces of the
exterior walls or from the center line of party walls, including any
basement floors, interior balconies and mezzanines, elevator shafts
and stairwells, enclosed porches, and the floor area of any accessory
structure located on the same lot. Parking areas not part of a struc-
ture shall not be considered as part of the floor area.
(33) Floor Area Ratio—The floor area of a structure divided
by the gross area of the site.
(34) Floor Area, Premium—The floor area permitted in addi-
tion to that ordinarily allowed, granted in exchange for public open
space and parking areas provided in excess of that ordinarily required.
(35) Floor Area, Usable—The sum of the gross horizontal
area of all of the floors of a structure measured from the interior
faces of the exterior walls or from the interior faces of the party
walls, not including any basement, elevator shaft, lobby, corridor or
other service areas.
(36) Freeways—See "Highway".
(37) Green Area—Space associated with, and located upon,
the same tract of land as the major structure or group of structures
which it serves to provide light and air, or scenic, recreational or