Anne Arundel County 2379
(31) "Soil" means all earth material of whatever origin that
overlies bedrock (including, but not limited to, the decomposed zone
of bedrock which can be readily excavated by mechanical equipment).
(32) "Stripping" means any activity which removes the vegeta-
tive surface cover (including tree removal, clearing, grubbing, and
storage or removal of top soil).
(33) "Structural Rock Fills" means fills constructed predomi-
nantly of rock materials for the purpose of supporting structures.
(34) "Watercourse" and/or "Drainageway" means any natural
or artificial watercourse (including, but not limited to, streams,
rivers, creeks, ditches, channels, canals, conduits, culverts, drains,
waterways, gullies, ravines, or washes) in which water flows in a
definite direction or course, either continuously or intermittently;
and includes any area adjacent thereto which is subject to inundation
by reason of overflow or flood water.
Section 12-2001. SCOPE-GRADING.
Except as set forth in Section 12-2002 of this Subtitle, no person
shall do (NOR SHALL THE OWNER PERMIT) any grading,
stripping, excavating or filling of land, or create borrow pits, spoil
areas, quarries, material processing facilities or any other facility
without first obtaining a grading permit from the Department of
Inspections and Permits.
Section 12-2002. EXCEPTIONS.
A grading permit shall not be required for the following: subject
to compliance with, PROVIDED THAT all other provisions of this
Subtitle and of State law ARE SATISFIED:
(1) Any right-of-way in a subdivision for which there is in
effect a valid Public Works agreement providing for the installation
and maintenance of sediment control measures.
(2) Excavations below finished grade of FOR basements and
footings of buildings, retaining walls, or similar structures attendant
to the principal building, provided:
(a) The resulting FINAL fill shall not exceed a vertical height
of two feet (2') at its deepest point as measured from the natural
ground surface; and
(b) The resulting FINAL fill shall not be placed on a surface
having a slope more than five feet (5') horizontal to one foot (1')
vertical; and
(c) The resulting FINAL fill shall not impair existing surface
drainage, constitute a potential erosion hazard or source of sedimenta-
tion to any adjacent land or watercourse; and
(d) The resulting FINAL fill shall not have any final slopes
more STEEP than one foot (1') vertical in three feet (3') horizontal