Hurlock 2211
Section 3. And Be It Further Resolved by the Mayor and Coun-
cil of Hurlock, that the Mayor of Hurlock is hereby specifically en-
joined to carry out the provisions of Section 2 hereof and as evidence
of such compliance, the Mayor shall cause to be affixed to the minutes
of this meeting appropriate certificates of publication of the newspa-
per or newspapers in which the title of this Resolution shall have been
published and shall declare the Charter amendment hereby enacted
to be effective either on November 16, 1971 or following a favorable
referendum thereon, by affixing his signature hereto in the space pro-
vided on the effective date of such amendment.
Section 4. And Be It Further Resolved by the Mayor and Council
of Hurlock, that as soon as the Charter amendment hereby enacted
shall become effective, either as herein provided or following a ref-
erendum, the Mayor shall send separately by registered mail, to the
Secretary of State of Maryland and to the Department of Legisla-
tive Reference of Maryland a clear certified copy of this Resolution,
showing the number of Councilmen voting for and against it and a
report on the votes cast for or against said amendments hereby en-
acted at any referendum thereon and the date of such referendum.
The above Charter amendment was enacted by the foregoing
Resolution which was passed at a regular meeting of the Mayor and
Council, held September 28, 1971. Two Councilmen voting in the affirm-
ative and no Councilmen voting in the negative, and said Resolu-
tion became effective in accordance with law on the 28th day of
September, 1971.
By: William V. Smith, Mayor
Martha C. Fleming, Clerk
Resolution of The Mayor and Council of
Hurlock to Amend the Town Charter
Resolution of The Mayor and Council of Hurlock adopted pur-
suant to the authority of Article 11-E of the Constitution of the
State of Maryland and Article 23A of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1957 Edition), title "Corporations-Municipal", to
amend Section 2 of the Charter of Hurlock as the same now
appears in Chapter 801 of the Laws of Maryland of 1941 and as
amended by Chapter 859 of Maryland 1945, to enlarge the cor-
porate boundaries of the town of Hurlock by the annexation of
two parcels of land, both contiguous to and adjoining the existing
corporate area, containing, respectively, 86.023 acres of land,
more or less, and 76.754 acres of land, more or less, each parcel
having been accurately surveyed, and the consent of not less
than twenty-five per centum (25%) of the persons who reside
in the area to be annexed and who are registered as voters in
county elections and the further consent from the owners of not
less than twenty-five per centum (25%) of the assessed valuation
of the real property located in the area to be annexed having
been obtained; and to provide for a public hearing, after due no-
tice, regarding the proposed annexation, and further to provide
that the areas proposed to be annexed shall be subject to all the
provisions of the Charter of the Town of Hurlock.