2208 Municipal Charters
a concrete monument; thence (34) North 53 degrees 41 minutes West
678.89 feet to the place of beginning; Containing 155.81 acres of land,
more or less; and BEING the properties conveyed as follows: A—The
same property conveyed by Lemuel G. Kirk and wife to the Mayor and
Council of Hancock, by deed dated February 15,1967 and recorded in Liber
451, Folio 564 among the Land Records of Washington County, Maryland;
and B—Part of the property inherited by Adele M. Cohill Donnelly.
TRACT 3: Beginning at a point which is the northeast corner of
the tract conveyed to Fleming, Liber 352, Folio 196, and the southwest
corner of the tract conveyed to Hinckle, Liber 375, Folio 534, said point
being also in the present corporate boundary of the Town of Hancock,
Maryland, and running thence with the 18th line and following lines of
the conveyance to Tri-State Cable T.V., Inc. recorded at Liber 499, Folio
642, (1) North 87 degrees 2 minutes 33 seconds East, 541.36 feet to a
planted stone; thence (2) North 10 degrees 3 minutes 8 seconds East
751.11 feet to a point; thence (3) North 87 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds
East 332.15 feet to a point; thence (4) North 78 degrees 11 minutes 11
seconds East 1,178 feet to a steel axle; thence (5) North 80 degrees 42
minutes 25 seconds East 169.43 feet to a point; thence (6) South 18 de-
grees 12 minutes 58 seconds West 1,460.46 feet to a planted stone; thence
(7) South 59 degrees 51 minutes 24 seconds East 543.95 feet to an oak
tree; thence (8) South 65 degrees 41 minutes 24 seconds East 227.83 feet
to an oak tree; thence (9) South 61 degrees 34 minutes 40 seconds East
500.71 feet to a point at the end of the 18th line of the conveyance to
the Town of Hancock, Liber 379, Folio 510; thence with the lines of said
conveyance, with the bearings adjusted to Maryland Grid system to agree
with the existing Town Boundary, (10) North 45 degrees 1 minute 47
seconds East 655.47 feet to a point; (11) South 44 degrees 58 minutes 13
seconds East 435 feet to a point; (12) North 45 degrees 1 minute 47
seconds East 300 feet to a point; (13) North 44 degrees 58 minutes 13
seconds West 435 feet to a point; (14) North 45 degrees 1 minute 47
seconds East 355.40 feet to a point; (15) North 83 degrees 4 minutes 47
seconds East 1,864.5 feet to a point; (16) North 36 degrees 23 minutes
13 seconds West 168.45 feet to a stone; thence (17) North 0 degree 42
minutes 47 seconds East 786.88 feet to a point; thence (18) South 46
degrees 3 minutes 13 seconds East 445.28 feet to a post; thence (19) South
43 degrees 48 minutes 13 seconds East 836.28 feet to a white oak; thence
(20) South 43 degrees 16 minutes 13 seconds East 265.12 feet to a post;
thence (21) South 43 degrees 48 minutes 13 seconds East 810.35 feet to a
post; thence (22) South 42 degrees 57 minutes 13 seconds East 546.96
feet to a point; thence (23) South 61 degrees 2 minutes 47 seconds West
1,490 feet to a point; thence (24) North 44 degrees 57 minutes 13 seconds
West 70.8 feet to a point; thence (25) South 61 degrees 44 minutes 47
seconds West 717.03 feet to a post; thence (26) South 71 degrees 26 minutes
47 seconds West 309.73 feet to a point; thence (27) South 49 degrees 58
minutes 47 seconds West 731.42 feet to a post; thence crossing Interstate
70 (28) South 49 degrees 5 minutes 47 seconds West 1,188.3 feet; thence
(29) North 67 degrees 30 minutes 13 seconds West 786.39 feet; thence
crossing Interstate 70 (30) North 5 degrees 7 minutes 13 seconds West
727.56 feet; thence (31) North 7 degrees 5 minutes West 336.86 feet to
a point at the end of the 7th line of the conveyance to Tri-State Cable T.V.,
Inc., recorded at Liber 499, Folio 642; thence with the lines of said convey-
ance and adjusted as before (32) North 81 degrees 7 minutes 9 seconds
West 455.19 feet to a point; thence (33) South 78 degrees 1 minute 44
seconds West 927.30 feet to a point; thence (34) South 56 degrees 1 minute
44 seconds West 62.74 feet to the property line on the north side of Inter-