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Session Laws, 1972
Volume 708, Page 2120   View pdf image
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2120                               Municipal Charters

Town of Easton
Easton, Maryland 21601

September 1, 1971.

Notice of Annexation Hearing

TAKE NOTICE: That on July 19, 1971, a Resolution was introduced
to the Council of the Town of Easton on the Petition of Ss. Peter and
Paul's Church, Elwood R. Jackson, Talbot County Humane Society, Inc.
and Seymour Builder's, Inc., proposing enlargement of the corporate
boundaries of the Town of Easton by annexation thereto of certain lands
adjacent and contiguous to the corporate boundaries of the Town of
Easton in the vicinity of High Street and U.S. Route 50; and a parcel
on the west side of U.S. Route 50 between Dover Road and High Street.

All interested persons are hereby notified that the Town of Easton
will hold a public hearing on said Annexation Resolution at 8:00 P.M.
on September 20, 1971 in the offices of the Mayor and Council, Municipal
Building, Easton, Maryland. If said Resolution is enacted after said hear-
ing, the annexation proposed thereby will become effective forty-five (45)
days following such final enactment unless sufficient petitions for a refer-
endum have been filed prior thereto pursuant to sub-section (f) and (g)
of Section 19 of said Article 23A.

The area proposed to be annexed is described in the Resolution by
metes, bounds, courses and distances. The Petition for Annexation, a map
of the area to be annexed and the above mentioned Resolution may be
inspected during normal business hours in the office of the Town of Easton.

Henry H. Purdy, Mayor
Elizabeth M. Willey, Town Clerk

NOTICE TO STAR DEMOCRAT: Please mail four copies of Cer-
tificate of Publication to Town Clerk, P.O. Box 520.


Prince George's County

Resolution to amend the Charter of the Town of Edmonston

to lower the age requirement for registering to vote in

Town elections

WHEREAS, the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Edmon-
ston, Maryland desire to lower the age requirement for registering to
vote in elections in the Town of Edmonston, Maryland from age twenty-
one (21) years as is now provided in the Charter of the Town of Ed-
monston, Maryland, Article I, Section 7.B., Code of the Town of Edmonston
of 1970,

PURSUANT to the authority vested in the Town of Edmonston by
Article XI-E of the Constitution of the State of Maryland and Article
23A of the Annotated Code of Maryland-1957 (1966 Replacement Volume),

Section 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Town
Council of Edmonston that Chapter I, Section 7.B. of the Charter of
Edmonston be amended to read as follows:


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Session Laws, 1972
Volume 708, Page 2120   View pdf image
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