2118 Municipal Charters
RESOLVED, this 7th day of May, 1971, at a regular meeting of the
Mayor and Commission of the City of District Heights, Prince George's
County, Maryland.
E. Michael Roll, Mayor
Nora Mencer, City Clerk
The Charter Amendment enacted by the foregoing resolution became
effective on the 27th day of June, 1971.
By: E. Michael Roll, Mayor
Nora D. Mencer, Clerk-Treasurer
Talbot County
Resolution No. 4193
WHEREAS, Petition for Annexation of land, bounded generally on
the North by High Street, and on the East by U.S. Route 50 (known as
"Ocean Gateway") and by Hickory Ridge Road, and on the South by
Chesapeake Avenue and certain lands owned by the Mayor and Council of
Easton, and on the West by certain lands owned by Seymour Builders, Inc.
(formerly owned by Ethel M. Roe) and lands owned by Ss. Peter and
Paul's Church, and a small parcel shown on Plat referred to below as
"Parcel B", has been filed by certain residents, registered voters and prop-
erty owners of the area, pursuant to Section 19, Article 23A, Annotated
Code of Maryland (1966 Replacement Volume); and
WHEREAS, the presiding officer of the Town of Easton has caused
to be made a verification that the area proposed to be annexed, pursuant
to said petition, is in fact contiguous and adjacent to the existing cor-
porate area; and that the Petitioners are the owners of at least twenty-five
per cent (25%) of the assessed valuation of the real property located in
the area to be annexed, and constitute at least twenty-five per cent (25%)
of the persons who reside in the area to be annexed and who are regis-
tered as voters in the County elections; NOW THEREFORE,
of the corporate boundaries of the Town of Easton be and it is hereby
proposed to be accomplished by annexation of the area included within
the following described parcels, which description is attached hereto and
respectfully made a part hereof, said area being also shown upon a map
or plat made by James R. Kinnamon, registered surveyor, dated 1971,
and also attached hereto; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that no Town of Easton Real Estate
Taxes shall be levied against any property within the area to be annexed
until the levy for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1972; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a Public Hearing be held by
this body with respect to said proposed annexation, such hearing to be
held in the offices of the Town of Easton at 8:00 o'clock P.M. on September
20, 1971; provided that public notice of such hearing shall first be given
pursuant to the provisions of Section 19(d) of said Article 23A, Anno-
tated Code of Maryland; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event this Resolution
shall be finally enacted following said Public Hearing, then this Resolution