2094 Municipal Charters
by Chevy Chase Section Four and such current bills and indebtedness as
the Town Council has authorized the Manager to pay, and the Manager's
Fund has been reimbursed at regular intervals to the extent that the Town
Council has determined that the expenditures were properly made, and
"WHEREAS, some doubt has been raised as to whether such practice
is specifically authorized by the Enabling Act,
"NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the authorization of Article 23A,
Sections 12 and 13 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, it is resolved, by the
Town Council of Chevy Chase Section Four that the Enabling Act of said
Chevy Chase Section Four be amended as follows:
1. That immediately following subsection (e) of Section 98 of the
Enabling Act there be added the following new subsection to be designated
subsection (f):
(f) The Town Council of Chevy Chase Section 4 shall have the au-
thority to create a revolving fund under the direct authority and control
of the Manager of Chevy Chase Section 4 to be used by him to meet the
weekly payroll for the payment of the wages of employees of Chevy Chase
Section 4 performing services under his supervision, and to make such
other payments as the Town Council may authorize, the size of the
revolving fund to be determined by action of the Town Council, and pay-
ments to be made to the revolving fund in replacement of expended funds
to the extent that the Town Council shall determine such expenditures
to have been right and proper. The revolving fund shall be deposited
subject to the same conditions set forth in subsection (e), and such
funds may be paid out by check signed by the Manager or the Treasurer or
such other member of the Council as may be duly authorized by the Coun-
cil. The Manager of Chevy Chase Section 4 shall give bond, with surety
duly approved by the Council in the penal sum of TEN THOUSAND
($10,000) DOLLARS or such higher amount as may be fixed by the Council,
conditioned upon the faithful accounting by Mm for all moneys which
shall come into his hands, and the paying over to the Treasurer of all such
moneys as remain in his hands upon the termination of his tenure of office
as Manager."
CHASE SECTION FOUR on March 25, 1970:
Laura H. Dale, Chairman
Stanley H. Arthur, Vice Chairman
Edward W. Hunt, Treasurer
Marion Clawson, Secretary
G. Kibby Munson, Assistant Treasurer
Incorporated 1918
Box 9807
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20015
March 8,1971
Director of the Department of Legislative Reference
State of Maryland
Annapolis, Maryland
Dear Sir:
The Town Council of the Town of Chevy Chase, Section Four, on Janu-
ary 13, 1971, annexed the property known as 4309 Thornapple Street, Chevy