2086 Municipal Charters
ered a part of the Charter, according to the terms of the amendment, and
in all respects to be effective and observed as such upon the fiftieth (50)
day following the date of adoption unless on or before the fortieth (40)
day after adoption there shall be presented to the Mayor and Town Council
of Cheverly a petition for referendum in accordance with Section 13 of
Article 23A of the Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Mary-
land (1957 Edition), as amended.
Adopted October 8, 1970
Test: David J. Ferguson
Thomas W. Kerley, Mayor
Robert W. O'Connors, Councilman
George M. Boyd, Councilman
Jos. B. Jochum, Councilman
E. C. Clark, Councilman
Robert W. Heffron, Councilman
Mary B. Eller, Councilman
Resolution and Ordinance to amend Article IV, "Officers", of the
Charter and Local Laws of the Town of Cheverly, Maryland, by
amending Section C-10 entitled "Mayor and Council: Oath of Office,
Vacancies, Compensation".
WHEREAS, the Mayor and Town Council of the Town of Cheverly,
Maryland, are of the considered opinion that the term of office of the Mayor
should be lengthened from two years to three years:
that Article IV, "Officers," of the Charter and Local Laws of the Town of
Cheverly, Maryland, be and the same is hereby amended to read and pro-
vide as hereinafter set forth:
Section C-10. Mayor and Council: oath of office, vacancies, compensation.
Effective March, 1971, the Mayor shall be elected for a period of three
(3) years and each of the Councilmen shall be elected for a period of two
(2) years, and shall qualify before the next regular council meeting suc-
ceeding his election by taking an oath before any officer of the State of
Maryland duly authorized to take an affidavit, to the effect that he will obey
the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and the Laws
of the State of Maryland, and will fairly and impartially administer the
duties of his respective office, and such oath shall be filed among the rec-
ords of the town. In case the Mayor shall permanently change his place of
abode from the town, he shall cease to be Mayor, and there shall exist a va-
cancy in said office to be filled as hereinafter provided: and in case a
Councilman shall permanently change his place of abode from the ward
he represents he shall cease to be a Councilman, and there shall exist a
vacancy in said office to be filled as hereinafter provided. The absence of
the Mayor or of any Councilman from three (3) consecutive regular meet-
ings of the Mayor and Town Council, without prior permission or good and
sufficient reason, shall constitute a vacancy, and in case of such a vacancy,
or vacancy by reason of death, refusal to act, disqualification, resignation
or removal beyond the corporate limits, the Mayor and Council, or a ma-
jority of them for the time being, shall elect a Mayor, Councilman or Coun-
cilmen, as the case may be, to fill such vacancy or vacancies until his suc-
cessor or successors shall have been elected for the unexpired term or terms
at the next regular town election, and shall have qualified. The vacancy so