Berlin 2069
missioners of the Town of Bel Air, five Commissioners voting in the affirm-
ative and zero Commissioners voting in the negative, and said Resolution
became effective in accordance with law on the 30th day of November, 1971.
By: James F. O'Neill, Chairman
John F. Gildea, Clerk
Worcester County
A Resolution enlarging the corporate boundaries of the Town of
Berlin by annexation and setting forth the complete and detailed
provisions as to the conditions and circumstances applicable to the
change in boundaries and to the residents and property within the
area to be annexed.
Section 1. That the following described lands contiguous to the Town
of Berlin lying and being situate in the Third Election District of Wor-
cester County be, and they are hereby added to, taken into and made
part of the Town of Berlin: All that certain area of land, together with the
persons residing therein and their property contiguous to and binding upon
the westerly corporate limits of the Town of Berlin and being more par-
ticularly described as follows:
BEGINNING AT A POINT MARKED "X" on a plat entitled "Land to
be Annexed to the Town of Berlin, Maryland", surveyed by George A.
Chapman, Registered Surveyor, on June 30, 1971, where the present cor-
porate limits of Berlin intersects the Northeast property line of the parcel
to be annexed; being also on the southwest line (rear) of a lot owned by
Preston Carey; said lot lying on the south side of Maryland Route 374
approximately one-half mile west of the Pennsylvania Railroad; thence
along the line of Adkins Company property being also the lines of property
owned by said Preston Carey and Clifford Fields, North 51 degrees 23 min-
utes west a distance of 150 feet to a concrete monument which marks the
north corner of the Adkins Company property; thence running by and
with the lands of Leslie G. Hastings South 39 degrees 30 minutes West
2443.28 feet to a stake; thence running by and with the lands of Fred D.
Hodgens and John H. Warren, South 65 degrees 45 minutes East 1685.69
feet to a stake which is the corner of said Adkins Company land, said
Warren land and the land of George H. Parsons; thence by and with said
Parsons land North 41 degrees 42 minutes West 70.0 feet to intersect the
present corporate limits line of the Town of Berlin; thence by and with
the corporate limit line North 02 degrees 04 minutes East 2433.30 feet
to the beginning; containing 50.34 acres more or less.
Section 2. That the persons now residing or to reside in this area to
be annexed and their property be, and they are hereby subject to the pro-
visions of the Charter of the Town of Berlin and all Ordinances, resolu-
tions, rules and regulations of the Town of Berlin, and in particular the
conditions and circumstances applicable to such persons and their property
are as follows: