2064 Municipal Charters
Section 104H. Annexed Area No. 19, being comprised of the lands
owned by the Harford County Fair Association, Inc., Ezrine Brothers, a
general partnership, Charles L. Lutz, and Raymond J. Seiler and Dorothy
E. Seiler, his wife, and described by courses and distances as follows:
BEGINNING for the same at a point in or near the center line of
U. S. Route 1, said point being in and South 75° 36' 45" East 266.34 feet
distant as measured along the centerline of Tollgate Road from a point
at the beginning of the 33rd or South 75° 36' 45" East 298.80 foot line
of the corporate limits of The Town of Bel Air, Harford County,
as described in amendment No. 17, Section 104D of the Charter of
Bel Air, running thence, crossing said U. S. Route No. 1 and binding
reversely on part of the said 33rd line, the two following courses and
distances, as now surveyed, viz: (1) North 75° 36' 45" West 32.56 feet
to a point on the northwesterly right of way line of said U. S. Route
No. 1, and continuing this same direction, (2) North 75° 36' 45" West
163.25 feet to a point in or near the center of said Tollgate Road, thence
leaving the present corporate limits of the Town of Bel Air, and binding
on the westerly outline of the land of Ezrine Brothers, the two following
courses and distances, as now surveyed, viz: (3) South 37° 07' 44" West,
crossing said Tollgate Road, 15.17 feet to a pipe heretofore set on the
southerly side of said Tollgate Road, and continuing this same direction,
(4) South 37° 07' 44" West 177.58 feet to a pipe heretofore set at the
southwesterly most corner of the land of said Ezrine Brothers, said pipe
also in the northerly outline of the land of Raymond J. Seiler and wife,
thence leaving the land of said Ezrine Brothers and binding on part of
the northerly outline and all of the westerly outline of the said land of
Seiler, the two following courses and distances, as now surveyed, viz: (5)
North 58° 16' 58" West 105.81 feet to a pipe heretofore set, and (6)
South 23° 58' 29" West 107.14 feet to a pipe now, set at a common corner
between the land of said Seiler and the land of Willard A. Noe and wife,
thence binding on the common boundary line between the land of said
Seiler and the land of said Noe, as now surveyed, (7) South 45° 07' 36"
East 232.73 feet to an iron spike now set to intersect the aforesaid north-
westerly right of way line of U. S. Route 1, thence continuing this same
direction, (8) South 45° 07' 36" East 30.26 feet to a point in or near the
centerline of said U. S. Route No. 1, thence running with and binding on
the centerline of U. S. Route No. 1, as now surveyed, (9) North 37° 15' 25"
East 418.19 feet to the beginning hereof.
Containing 1.77 acres of land more or less.
Section 4. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution
shall become effective at the end of forty-five (45) days following its final
enactment unless a proper petition for referendum hereon shall be filed,
as permitted by law. Introduction July 13, 1970
Public Hearing August 31, 1970
Enactment August 31, 1970
Effective October 15, 1970
By: Werner Buchal, Chairman
John F. Gildea, Clerk
Approved: August 31, 1970
Effective: October 15, 1970