2052 Municipal Charters
southeast boundary of that conveyance from Walter L. Trott and wife to
Frank B. Stallings and wife by deed dated October 8, 1943 and recorded
among the Land Records of Anne Arundel County in Liber JHH 292, folio
194. Thence from the point of beginning so fixed leaving said center line
and said City boundary line and binding on and with the outlines of said
conveyance to Stallings as now surveyed and corrected to Annapolis Grid
North, South 39 degrees 52 minutes 00 seconds West 513.98 ft. to a point
in the rear line of said conveyance to Stallings; thence leaving said side
line and binding on and with the rear line of said conveyance to Stallings,
and also with a line common to Annapolis City and Anne Arundel County,
North 56 degrees 19 minutes 10 seconds West 188.51 ft. to an iron pipe
here found; thence leaving said last mentioned rear line and binding on and
with the northwest boundary and projection thereof of said conveyance to
Stallings, North 39 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds East 484.18 ft. to an
iron pipe here found on the southwest side of Old Forest Drive; said last
mentioned line marks a boundary common to Annapolis City Line and
Anne Arundel County boundary line; thence North 45 degrees 01 minute
30 seconds East 16.12 ft. to a point in the center line of Old Forest Drive
and the City boundary line; thence binding on and with said last men-
tioned line, South 60 degrees 16 minutes 20 seconds East 193.64 ft. to the
point of beginning. Containing 2.21 acres of land, more or less, according
to a survey and plat made by James D. Hicks and Associates, Inc., Regis-
tered Surveyors dated July 1965 and revised September 1970.
BEING all of the property conveyed by a deed dated July 28, 1965
from Cordelia Stallings to Southern Maryland Oil Co., Inc., now known as
Southern Maryland Oil, Inc., recorded among the Land Records of Anne
Arundel County in Liber LNP 1885, folio 354, plus the adjoining .09 acres
to the northeast thereof lying within the right-of-way of Forest Drive;
and said 2.12 acres being all of the property contracted to be sold by agree-
ment dated March 25, 1970 from Southern Maryland Oil Co., Inc., now
known as Southern Maryland Oil, Inc., to The American Legion, Depart-
ment of Maryland, Cook-Pinkney Post No. 141, Inc.
PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that said property will continue in its pres-
ently zoned "Agricultural" Classification subject to all conditions and pro-
visions as to its permitted and prohibited uses as the same are now set
forth under the laws and regulations appertaining to lands in Anne Arun-
del County outside of the City of Annapolis until such time as the MAYOR
tice hearing and consideration, determine the appropriate zoning classifica-
tion or classifications for said property as the same may be now or
hereafter provided for under the provisions of the Charter and Code of the
City of Annapolis;
PROVIDED FURTHER, that the said property will be placed upon
the tax rolls of the City of Annapolis immediately upon the effective date
of this annexation.
PROVIDED FURTHER, that this resolution shall not become effec-
tive until the end of the forty-five (45) day period next following the date
of its enactment.
PROVIDED FURTHER, that Section 1 (a) of the Charter of An-
napolis be, and it is hereby amended to read as follows: with new text