Marvin Mandel, Governor 1623
Provided that any such club or organization may purchase all liquor
and spirituous beverages from the Harford County liquor control
board, and shall be charged therefor, the retail price of the liquor
control board, but such club or organization may purchase liquor
and spirituous beverages from other licensed suppliers.
(b) In Harford County the county liquor dispensaries shall be
established and maintained in those locations [other than the fourth
and fifth election districts] as may be selected by the liquor control
board, subject to the prior approval of the Board of County Com-
missioners for Harford County and in compliance with applicable
zoning regulations. However, at least one such dispensary shall be
maintained within the corporate limits of Aberdeen, Bel Air, and
Havre de Grace, and within the first election district. The building
in which any dispensary in Harford County is located must have a
glass front opening on a public street and must be so arranged that
the interior thereof is at all times subject to the view of persons
passing along the street in front thereof. No chairs or tables
shall be permitted in front of the counter of any dispensary and
no loitering or loafing shall be permitted in or near any dispensary.
No dispensary shall be operated nearer than five hundred (500)
feet to any church or one thousand (1000) feet to any public or
private school. The dispensaries shall not be open on Sundays and
on weekdays shall be open from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., or for a
shorter period as the board may determine.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That before this Act becomes
effective it shall first be submitted to a referendum of the legally
qualified voters of Districts 4 and 5 of Harford County at the general
election to be held in November of 1972. The cost of the special
election, if any, shall be paid by the Board of County Commissioners.
There shall be printed on the ballots or ballot labels to be used at
this election the title of this Act and underneath the title, on separate
lines, a square or box to the right of and opposite the words: "For
Alcoholic Beverages in Districts 4 and 5" and a corresponding
square or box to the right of and opposite the words "Against
Alcoholic Beverages in Districts 4 and 5" so that each voter of Dis-
tricts 4 and 5 in the County may designate his or her decision for
or against the provisions of this Act. If a majority of the votes
cast in the election are "For Alcoholic Beverages in Districts 4 and
5" the provisions of this Act shall become effective on December 1,
1972, but if a majority of the votes cast in the election are
"Against Alcoholic Beverages in Districts 4 and 5" the provisions
of this Act shall become of no effect and shall be null and void.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That subject to the provisions
of Section 2 herein and for the sole purpose of authorizing and
providing for the referendum therein required, this Act shall take
effect on July 1, 1972.
Approved May 26, 1972.