1610 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 617
(1) All species of plants from which controlled substances in
Schedules I and II may be derived which have been planted or culti-
vated in violation of this subheading, or of which the owners or
cultivators are unknown, or which are wild growths, may be seized
and summarily forfeited to the State.
(2) The failure, upon demand by the Department, or its duly
authorized agent, of the person in occupancy or in control of land or
premises upon which such species of plants are growing or being
stored, to produce an appropriate registration, or proof that he is
the holder thereof, shall constitute authority for the seizure and
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1972.
Approved May 26, 1972.
(House Bill 1352)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 111(a)
and to repeal Section 111(a-l) of the Code of Public Local Laws
of Calvert County (1963 Edition and 1970 Supplement, being
Article 5 of the Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland), title
"Calvert County," subtitle "Court Reporters," to change the man-
ner of compensating the court reporters and court stenographers
in the Seventh Judicial Circuit.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 111(a) of the Code of Public Local Laws of Calvert
County (1963 Edition and 1970 Supplement, being Article 5 of the
Code of Public Local Laws of Maryland), title "Calvert County,"
subtitle "Court Reporters," be and it is hereby repealed and re-
enacted, with amendments, and that Section 111(a-l) thereof is
hereby repealed, and to read as follows:
(a) The Judges of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of Mary-
land shall appoint one or more official court reporters for the
circuit courts of Calvert, Charles, Prince George's, and St.
Mary's Counties, respectively. These REPORTERS each shall
be expert stenographers or otherwise competent to record court
proceedings. Each shall hold office during the pleasure of the
judges of said respective courts. The court reporters or stenog-
raphers in Prince George's County shall be paid a per diem
or annual salary to be fixed [by the court not to exceed $40.00
for each and every day of actual service;] by the County gov-
erning body after consultation with the County Administrative
Judge; and the county stenographers or reporters for Calvert and
St. Mary's Counties shall be paid a per diem or annual salary to
be fixed by the [court not to exceed $40.00 for each and every day
of actual service.] County Commissioners after consultation with