Marvin Mandel, Governor 1577
District Council for the entire Maryland-Washington Regional
District,; to authorize and enable each District Council to enact
legislation to provide for a zoning ordinance within the Regional
District covering specified land use regulations; restricting the
time within which an application for rezoning may be applied for
after the same has been denied; providing that an application for
a zoning map amendment shall set forth specified information
concerning the applicant and parties having an interest therein and
general relating thereto.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 75 of Chapter 780 of the Laws of Maryland, 1959, be
and the same is hereby repealed and that new Section 75 (a) and
(b) be and the same is hereby enacted in lieu thereof to read as
[The county council of Montgomery County and the board of
county commissioners of Prince George's County are respectively
empowered, in accordance with the conditions and procedures, speci-
fied in Sections 70-87, 70-88, 70-89, 70-92, 70-93, 70-95, 70-96, 70-98,
and 70-105 (59-81, 59-82, 59-83, 59-86, 59-87, 59-89, 59-90, 59-92
and 59-100) to regulate in the portion of the regional district lying
within its county, (1) the location, height, bulk and size of build-
ings and other structures, building lines, minimum frontages, depths
and areas of lots, and percentages of lots which may be occupied;
(2) the sizes of yards, courts, and other open spaces; (3) the erec-
tion of temporary stands and structures?; (4) the density and
distribution of populations (5) the uses of buildings and struc-
tures for trade, industry, residence, recreation, agriculture, public
activities, or other purposes; and (6) the uses of land for trade, in-
dustry, residence, recreation, agriculture, forestry, or other purposes.
No regulation shall prohibit the use of any land by the owner of
such land or his tenant for farming or other agricultural uses ex-
clusively. The county council and the board of county commis-
sioners are individually designated, for the purposes of this section
and Sections 70-87, 70-88, 70-89, 70-92, 70-93, 70-95, 70-96, 70-98,
and 70-105 (59-81, 59-82, 59-83, 59-86, 59-87, 59-89, 59-90, 59-92,
and 59-100) as district council. Not less than three members of a
district council shall constitute a quorum; except in Montgomery
County, not less than four members of a district council shall con-
stitute a quorum. And be it further provided that the county council
for Montgomery County, sitting as a district council, shall not receive
an application for a zoning map amendment upon the same land
which has been the subject of a previous zoning application for
map amendment, filed after June 1, 1965, for the same zoning classi-
fication upon which there was a decision on the merits unless thirty-
six (36) months has expired since the filing of the application for the
previous zoning map amendment upon which there was a decision on
the merits; and be it further provided that an application for a zon-
ing map amendment filed with the county council for Montgomery
County, sitting as a district council, shall set forth the names of
all persons having a substantial interest in the subject property of
the application, such substantial interest to include all those per-
sons with a share in such property amounting to five per cent (5%)
or more whether held in an individual or corporate capacity of the