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Session Laws, 1972
Volume 708, Page 1558   View pdf image
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1558                            Laws of Maryland                      [Ch. 573

any licensed real estate broker going into the armed services of his
country shall have the right to designate his attorney, any adult mem-
ber of his immediate family or any salesman licensed in his office to
supervise and carry on his business during the period of such
service, and that the license of any such broker shall be renewed dur-
ing such period on application by the person so designated and
provided further that upon the death of any licensed broker, any adult
member of his family shall have the right to carry on the business
of the deceased broker for the remainder of the license year or six
months, whichever is the longer period.

[From and after September 1, 1967, all applicants for a license
as a real estate salesman under this subtitle shall be required to pass
a State Real Estate Commission's qualifying examination after which
they shall receive a temporary real estate salesman's license effective
for a period of one year from date of issuance. For and during the
year in which the temporary license is effective, the licensee is re-
quired to serve as an apprentice with a State licensed real estate
broker and successfully complete a basic course in real estate
approved by the State Real Estate Commission. Upon satisfactory
completion of the required real estate course, the temporary licensee
may apply for and be granted a regular real estate salesman's license.
In the event the temporary licensee fails to satisfactorily complete
the prescribed real estate course and is unable to obtain his regular
license he must retake and successfully complete the prescribed
course after which he shall reapply for his temporary license, pass the
qualifying examination and act as an apprentice for an additional
year before applying for his regular license in the manner above

All applicants for a license as a real estate salesman under this
subtitle shall successfully complete a basic course in real estate ap-
proved by the State Real Estate Commission. Upon completion of the
required real estate course the applicant may take the qualifying
examination given by the Commission. A passing grade on the
examination is required for issuance of a license and no temporary or
conditional licenses may be issued.
In the event any applicant for ad-
mission to examination for a real estate salesman's license shall
present evidence of having satisfactorily completed courses in real
estate subjects in any college, the educational requirements adopted
by the Commission pursuant to this subsection may be waived by the

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1972.

Approved May 26, 1972.

(House Bill 991)

AN ACT to add a new Section 40A to Article 53 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1972 Replacement Volume), title "Landlord
and Tenant," subtitle "Public Policy," to follow immediately after


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Session Laws, 1972
Volume 708, Page 1558   View pdf image
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