Marvin Mandel, Governor 1195
Funds necessary for carrying out the purposes of this sub-title
shall be appropriated to the Secretary of General Services. The
Governor shall include in the budget transmitted to the General
Assembly, for each fiscal year in which his regular term of office will
expire, a proposed AN appropriation NOT TO EXCEED $50,000
for carrying out the purposes of this subtitle.
This Act may be cited as the ''Gubernatorial Transition Act."
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1972.
Approved May 26, 1972.
(Senate Bill 166)
AN ACT to add new Section 28A to Article 77 of the Annotated
Code of Maryland (1969 Replacement Volume), title "Public Educa-
tion," subtitle "State Superintendent of Schools," to follow immedi-
ately after Section 28 thereof, to provide for a program of edu-
cational accountability for the public schools of Maryland; and to
generally relate thereto.
Whereas, The goal of this Act is to assure that all public school
students, throughout the State of Maryland, have access to an educa-
tion that will enable them to function to the best of their abilities as
informed citizens. Each student has the right to expect his school and
school system to provide adequate instruction in the minimum skills
necessary to master effective verbal and written communication. In
addition, each student should have access to mathematical, scientific
and technical knowledge so that he will be able to function adequately
in this complex age. Further, each student should be able to under-
stand our government so that he may participate effectively in all of
the duties and rights of citizenship. All students, whether normal,
handicapped or exceptional, have the right to expect their schools
and school systems to provide the opportunities to help each individual
realize his fullest potential.
The purposes of this Act are to provide for the establishment of
educational accountability in the public education system of Maryland,
to assure that educational programs operated in the public schools of
Maryland lead to the attainment of established objectives for educa-
tion, to provide information for accurate analysis of the costs as-
sociated with public education programs, and to provide information
for an analysis of the differential effectiveness of instructional pro-
grams; now, therefore,