Marvin Mandel, Governor 995
(6) prepare a comprehensive regional plan and functional plans
for the guidance of the development of the Region;
(7) as hereinafter provided, review any applications to agencies
of the state or Federal Government for loans or grants-in-aid for
projects by governmental subdivisions within the Region;
(8) review local plans, proposals for projects, and ordinances
having an impact outside the boundaries of the local government,
subdivisions and within the Planning Region;
(9) employ a director, engineers, attorneys, planners, consultants
and other employees, and prescribe their powers and duties and fix
their compensation;
(10) prepare studies of the region's resources with respect to exist-
ing and emerging problems of industry, commerce, transportation,
population, housing, agriculture, public services, local governments,
and any other matters which are relevant to regional planning;
(11) collect, process, and analyze at regular intervals the social
and economic statistics for the region which are necessary to plan-
ning studies and make the results available to the general public;
(12) participate with other government agencies, educational in-
stitutions, and private organizations in the coordination of the
research activities defined above;
(13) cooperate with and provide planning assistance to county,
municipal, and other local governments, instrumentalities, or plan-
ning agencies within the region, and coordinate regional area plan-
ning with planning activities of the state and of the counties,
municipalities, special districts, or other local governmental units
within the region as well as neighboring regions and with the pro-
grams of federal departments and agencies;
(14) provide information to officials in state departments, agen-
cies, and instrumentalities; to federal, and local governments, and
to the public at large, in order to foster public awareness and
understanding of the objectives of the comprehensive plan and the
functions of regional and local planning, and in order to stimulate
public interest and participation in the orderly, integrated develop-
ment of the region; and
(15) execute any and all instruments and do and perform any
and all acts or things necessary, convenient, or desirable for its
purposes or to carry out the powers expressly given in this section.
Sec. 2. Arid be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
July 1, 1971.
Approved May 17, 1971.
(Senate Bill 382)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 22-12
of the Code of Public Local Laws of Baltimore City (1969 Edition,