994 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 450
ipalities, special districts, or other local governmental units within
the region as well as neighboring regions and with the programs of
federal departments and agencies;
(n) provide information to officials in state departments, agencies,
and instrumentalities; to federal, and local governments and to the
public at large, in order to foster public awareness and understand-
ing of the objectives of the comprehensive plan and the functions
of regional and local planning, and in order to stimulate public
interest and participation in the orderly, integrated development of
the region; and
(o) execute any and all instruments and do and perform any and
all acts or things necessary, convenient, or desirable for its purposes
or to carry out the powers expressly given in this section.
(b) The Tri-County Council shall be a tax-exempt public body
corporate and politic, and shall operate as a cooperative planning
and development agency within the representative counties to foster
the physical, economic and social development of the tri-county
area and utilize effectively the assistance provided by the State. It
shall initiate and coordinate plans and projects for the development
of human and economic resources of the Southern Maryland region
as a Southern Maryland planning and development agency.
The Council will cooperate with the State departments and agen-
cies concerned, including, but not limited to the Department of State
Planning, State Department of Economic Development, the State
Office of Economic Opportunity, the State Roads Commission and
the Department of Natural Resources, and submit for approval plans
and projects of the Council in which such departments or agencies
have statutory functions and responsibilities. The Attorney General
of Maryland shall serve as legal advisor to the Council in all matters
pertaining to the Council's activities.
(d) Without in any manner limiting or restricting the general
powers conferred by this section, the Tri-County Council may:
(1) adopt and have a common seal and alter the same at pleasure;
(2) sue [and be sued] , but shall be immune from being sued;
(3) adopt bylaws and make rules and regulations for the conduct
of its business;
(4) make and enter into all contracts or agreements necessary or
incidental to the performance of its duties;
(5) borrow money and apply for and accept advances, loans,
grants, contributions and any other form of assistance from the
federal government, the state, or other public body, or from any
sources, public or private, for the purposes of this section, and give
such security as may be required and enter into and carry out con-
tracts or agreements in connection therewith; and include in any
contract for financial assistance with the federal government such
conditions imposed pursuant to federal laws as it may deem reason-
able and appropriate and which are not inconsistent with the pur-
poses of this section;