Marvin Mandel, Governor
unit: Traffic division (foot section), traffic division (motorized),
racket division, tactical section, bureau of aid and prevention, motor
vehicle maintenance, detective bureau, bureau of communications,
and any other division, bureau or unit designated by a majority of
the committee; and the director of fiscal affairs, representing the
civilian personnel of the department. The members of the committee
shall elect members of the board of trustees, and the committee shall
give such advice and assistance to the board of trustees as the board
may request, or as the committee deems appropriate, and shall main-
tain liaison between the board of trustees and the personnel of the
department. The functions of the committee, except for the election
of members of the board of trustees, shall be advisory only. The
term of each member of the committee shall be four years, and mem-
bers shall serve until their successors are elected and qualify. Service
shall be without compensation.
(b) If a division, bureau, section or other unit referred to in sub-
section (a) of this section is abolished, merged or otherwise affected
by a reorganization in which its existing identity is changed, the
members of the relief fund committee representing such division,
bureau, section or other unit shall be elected from such division,
bureau, section or other unit which the majority of the committee
designate as being the nearest equivalent, and shall be of the same
or nearest equivalent rank as prescribed by subsection (a).]
[(a) The board of trustees shall consist of the major member of
the relief fund committee, a captain member of the relief fund
committee, who shall be elected by the captains on the said com-
mittee; a lieutenant member of the relief fund committee, elected
by the lieutenants on the said committee; a sergeant member of the
relief fund committee, elected by the sergeants on the said com-
mittee, and two (2) patrolmen members of the relief fund com-
mittee, elected by the patrolmen members of the said committee and
the director of fiscal affairs, representing the civilian members of
the department. Trustees shall serve for a term of six (6) years, or
until their successors are elected and qualify. Promotion, retirement,
resignation or separation from service as an officer or employee of
the Baltimore City police department shall automatically terminate
membership on the board of trustees, and create a vacancy.
(b) A vacancy in the office of trustee shall be filled for the un-
expired term by the board of trustees. The person so elected shall
be of the same rank or class as the trustee whom he succeeds.]
(a) Membership, Election, Tenure.—The Board of Trustees shall
consist of nine members; one member of the rank of Major or higher,
one Captain, one Lieutenant, one Sergeant, three Patrolmen, one
civilian employee of the Department, and the Director of Fiscal
Affairs Division. With the exception of the Director of Fiscal Affairs,
members of the Board of Trustees shall be elected at large, and shall
serve a term of four years. Elections will be held bi-annually with
the terms of the Major or higher rank, Sergeant and two Patrolmen
terminating at alternate two-year periods with those of the Captain,
Lieutenant, one Patrolman and civilian representative. The first
election will be held during the year of enactment of this Act, at
which time the Captain, Lieutenant and one Patrolman (the Patrol-
man member of the Board of Trustees having held office the longest
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