466 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 197
(a) "Pollution" means such contamination or other alteration of
the physical, chemical or biological properties, of any waters of the
State, including change in temperature, taste, color, turbidity, or
odor of the waters, or such discharge or deposit of any organic
matter, harmful organisms [;] , liquid, gaseous, solid, radioactive,
or other substance into any waters of the State as will render such
waters harmful, detrimental or injurious to public health, safety
or welfare, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural,
recreational, or other legitimate beneficial uses, or to livestock, wild
animals, birds, fish or other aquatic life.
(b) "Wastes" means industrial wastes and all other liquid,
gaseous, solid or other substances which will pollute any waters of
this State.
(c) "Treatment works" means any plant or other works, used
for the purpose of treating, stabilizing or holding wastes.
(d) "Disposal system" means a system for disposing of wastes,
either by surface or underground methods, and includes treatment
works, disposal wells and other systems.
(e) "Waters of the State" means both surface and under-
ground waters within the boundaries of the State or subject to its
jurisdiction, including that portion of the Atlantic Ocean within the
boundaries of the State, the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, the
flood plain of free-flowing waters on the basis of a fifty (50) year
flood frequency, and all ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, public ditches,
tax ditches, and public drainage systems within the State, other
than those designed and used for the purpose of collection, convey-
ance, or disposal of sanitary sewage.
(f) "Person" means the State or any agency or institution
thereof, any municipality, political subdivision, public or private
corporation, individual, partnership, association, or other entity,
and includes any officer or governing or managing body of any
municipality, political subdivision, or public or private corporation.
(b) Subject to the provisions of Section 29(c) of this subtitle,
it shall be unlawful for any person to carry on any of the following
activities unless he holds a current permit therefor from the [the]
Department for the disposal of all wastes or waters which are or
may be discharged thereby into the waters of the State: (1) the
discharge of any waters or wastewaters into the waters of the State
in violation of regulations promulgated by the Department; (2) the
construction, installation, modification, extension, alteration or oper-
ation of any disposal system or part thereof; (3) the increase in
volume, temperature or strength of any wastes in excess of the per-
missive discharges specified under any existing permit; (4) the
construction, installation, or operation of any industrial, commer-
cial, or other establishment or any extension or modification thereof
or addition thereto, the operation of which would cause an increase
in the discharge of wastes into the waters of the State or otherwise
alter the physical, chemical, or biological properties of any waters of
the State in any manner not already lawfully authorized; (5) the con-
struction or use of any new outlet for the discharge of any wastes into
the waters of the State.