2818 Index
Res. Page
Nursing Homes—Costs—
To urge the Legislative Council to investigate nursing
home costs for older citizens needing institutional
care .......................................................................................... 32 1836
Nursing Homes—Problems with—
To request the Governor of Maryland to appoint an in-
dependent commission to study the problems of nurs-
ing homes in depth .............................................................. 19 1820
Ocean City—
To request the Governor to appoint a Commission to
study and make recommendations relating to the
maintenance and preservation of the shoreline and
dune line of Ocean City and the establishment of a
line, beyond which would be public beach ...................... 69 1868
Off-Track Betting—
To request the Legislative Council to appoint a com-
mittee to study the feasibility of instituting off-track
betting and report its findings to the 1972 House of
Delegates ................................................................................ 23 1827
Parole and Probation—
To request a study to consider whether the Baltimore
City and Baltimore County Probation Departments
should be integrated into the State Division of Parole
and Probation ...................................................................... 59 1861
Parole, Board of—
To request that the State of Maryland Board of Parole
consider the representation of inmates at hearings
before the Board and that the Board of Parole prepare
and publish guidelines setting forth general expecta-
tions to qualify for parole as well as the requirements
or rules for those on parole ............................................ 58 1860
To beseech the Communist Forces in Southeast Asia to
begin implementation of the Geneva Convention and
all provisions contained therein, especially those Arti-
cles relating to the release of names and the treatment
of Prisoners-of-War ............................................................ 5 1807
To request the Governor's Commission on Law Enforce-
ment and the Administration of Justice to study the
feasibility of a pilot project of early release of per-
sons charged with misdemeanors and petty offenses,
on their honor or recognizance, prior to arraignment, if
verified information documents a defendant's roots in
the community ...................................................................... 60 1862