Index 2817
Res. Page
Historical Commissions and Museums, Department of—
To request that the Legislative Council study the feasi-
bility of consolidating the historical commissions of
the State under a unified Department of Historical
Commissions and Museums ................................................ 39 1842
Humane Practices Commission—
To request the Governor, the President of the Senate and
the Speaker of the House of Delegates to appoint a
commission to be known as the Humane Practices
Commission for the purpose of investigating and
overseeing the treatment, care and condition of
patients in hospitals for the mentally ill and mentally
retarded .................................................................................. 47 1849
Law Enforcement—
To request the appointment of a legislative committee
to conduct an in-depth study into the areas of law
enforcement and the administration of justice .............. 70 1870
Lyric Theatre—
On behalf of the Lyric Theatre in Baltimore City which
has for more than seventy-five years rendered
cultural services of the highest quality to the people
of Baltimore and State of Maryland, and to en-
dorse its designation as one of Baltimore's historical
monuments............................................................................ 34 1837
Maryland Historical Trust—
To request the Maryland Historical Trust to study the
feasibility of converting existing overhead electric and
communication facilities to underground locations in
local and State historical areas ........................................ 42 1844
Medical Insurance Coverage—
To request that the Legislative Council study the need for
legislation to provide adequate insurance coverage for
outpatient medical services at institutions within the
State ........................................................................................ 61 1863
Mental Retardation—
To express the general and special rights of mentally
retarded persons .................................................................. 50 1852
Model Cities Program—
To request that the Legislative Council and others in-
vestigate the proper role of the State in the Model
Cities Program .................................................................... 46 1848
National Cemetery—
To request the Department of Defense to acquire addi-
tional land within the State for use as a National
Cemetery.................................................................................. 17 1819