Anne Arundel County 2555
"Zoning", Article VI, Subtitle "Zoning Hearing Officer", as enacted by Bill
No. 4-65), be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments,
to read as follows:
Section 35-136
Rule IX D (1) The Zoning Hearing Officer shall regulate the course of
the hearing, which, for compelling reasons, may be continued from time to
time, and shall rule upon procedural matters, applications, modifications,
and objections made during the course of the hearing; provided, however,
that the time and place of any such continuance shall be announced im-
mediately at the suspension of the pending proceedings, and not otherwise.
(2) Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the Zoning Hear-
ing Officer may impose such additional restrictions, conditions or limitations
upon such reclassification as may be deemed appropriate to preserve, im-
prove, or protect the general character and design of the lands and improve-
ments being zoned or rezoned, or of the surrounding or adjacent lands and
improvements, and may, upon the zoning or rezoning of any land or lands,
retain or reserve the power and authority to approve or disapprove the
design of buildings, construction, landscaping, or other improvements, altera-
tions, and changes made or to be made on the subject land or lands to
assure conformity with the intent and purpose of this article and of the
County's zoning ordinance.
Section 2. AND BE IT FURTHER ENACTED, That this Ordinance
shall take effect forty-five (45) days from the date it becomes law.
Bill No. 76-70
An Ordinance to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 2-
100 (a) of the Anne Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and Supple-
ments), Title 2, "Board of Appeals", Subtitle 1, "Generally", setting
forth the grounds upon which the Board of Appeals may grant zoning
ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, MARYLAND, That Section 2-100 (a) of the
Anne Arundel County Code (1967 Edition and Supplements), Title 2,
"Board of Appeals", Subtitle 1, "Generally", be, and it is hereby repealed
and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
Section 2-100
(a) (1) The county board of appeals shall have and exercise all the
functions and powers of the board of appeals of the county and of the
county board of appeals described in Article 25A of the Annotated Code
of Maryland as supplemented by other public general laws. All references
in law to the board of appeals or the board of zoning appeals shall be
construed to refer to the county board of appeals created by this subtitle
where such construction is reasonable.
(2) Petitions for all variances, special exceptions or reclassifica-
tions of a particular piece of property, cases pending before the board of
appeals or the county commissioners at such time and all cases subsequently
arising which otherwise would have been subject to their jurisdiction,