2418 County Local Laws
cedures for the adoption of rules and regulations; for the manner of
publication of summary of legislation prior to its effective date and
for the publication of legislation in accordance with the Maryland
Constitution; for the manner of exercise by the Council of the powers
relating to zoning, planning, or subdividing; for the manner of ap-
pointment of the Secretary of the Council and other career employees
of the Council and prescribing the duties of such Secretary and em-
ployees; for the manner of appointment of members of boards and
commissions directly advisory to the County Council and for mem-
bers of the County Personnel Board and other persons who under the
Charter are to be appointed directly by the Council; for the manner
of confirmation by the Council of appointments of the County Execu-
tive; and provisions for notice and the conduct of public hearings by
the Council.
Be It Enacted and Resolved by the County Council for Montgomery
County, Maryland, sitting in Legislative Session, that—
Section 1. Chapter 1A, titled "County Council," is hereby enacted
to the Montgomery County Code 1965, to follow immediately after Chapter
1, and there is hereby adopted as part of such Chapter by resolution,
pursuant to Section 116, Charter of Montgomery County, Maryland, the
Rules of Legislative Procedure (all prior Rules of Legislative Procedure
being hereby repealed), to read as follows:
Chapter 1A
County Council
1.1 Election of Officers.
The Council shall elect from among its members not later than Decem-
ber 31 in the year in which they take office, and at such other times as
the Council in office shall determine, a President and a Vice-President.
The President shall be the presiding officer, and in his absence the Vice-
President shall preside and perform the duties of the President.
1.2 Order and Decorum.
The President shall preserve order and decorum during the meetings
and sessions of the Council. He shall have general supervision of the
County Council offices, hearing and conference rooms, and other building
spaces immediately adjacent thereto. In case of any disturbance or dis-
orderly conduct therein, he shall have the power to order any such place
to be cleared.
1.3 Prerogatives.
The President may speak on points of order in preference to other
members. He shall decide on all points of order and his decision shall be
final unless upon an appeal therefrom it is reversed on a yea and nay vote
by a majority of the members present. His title shall be called last when-
ever the roll is called. Upon a final vote on a bill, the author of the bill shall
be called first on the roll, and the members in alphabetical order. The
President shall vote on all questions except on an appeal from his decision
on a point of order.