2412 County Local Laws
Chapter 21
(Bill No. 17-70)
An Act to amend Chapter 91, titled "Housing Standards," of the
Montgomery County Code 1965, by repealing and re-enacting, with
amendments, subsection (a) of Section 91-15, titled "Waivers or
variances from Chapter," to authorize the County Executive and the
County Health Officer to use County facilities to assist in finding
relocation housing for persons residing in dwellings which fail to meet
housing standards.
Be It Enacted by the County Council for Montgomery County, Mary-
land, that—
Section 1. Subsection (a) of Section 91-15, Chapter 91, titled "Hous-
ing Standards," of the Montgomery County Code, 1965, is hereby repealed
and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
91-15. Waivers or variances from Chapter.
(a) Relocation housing unavailable. The County Health Officer and
the Housing Board of Review are authorized to waive compliance in whole
or in part with this Chapter where a dwelling, dwelling unit, rooming
units and other premises or an area of dwellings and dwelling units cannot
economically be made to comply with all provisions of this Chapter without
the vacating of such dwelling or dwelling units, and no other adequate
housing at a cost which the occupants can afford is at that time available
in the County. Nothing in this subsection, however, is to be construed to
prevent the reasonable enforcement of this Chapter in such dwellings,
dwelling units or areas to put the dwellings or dwelling units or areas in as
sanitary and healthful condition as the circumstances permit. The County
Executive and Health Officer are authorized to use County facilities to
assist in finding suitable relocation housing.
Section 2. Effective date.
This Act shall take effect on December 7, 1970.
Chapter 22
(Bill No. 38-69)
An Act to add new Section 2-86A, titled "Law Enforcement and
Criminal Justice Commission," to Article XIII, titled "Advisory
Boards," Chapter 2, titled "Administration," of the Montgomery
County Code 1965, to follow immediately after Section 2-86 thereof
to establish a County commission on law enforcement and criminal
justice; to provide for the membership thereof; to define the functions
and activities thereof; to provide for the continuation of the Law
Enforcement and Criminal Justice Commission as created by Resolu-
tion 6-214, and as amended by Resolution No. 6-1329; and to repeal
all inconsistent Acts, Ordinances and Resolutions.
Be It Enacted by the County Council for Montgomery County, Mary-
land, that—
Section 1. Section 2-86A, titled "Law Enforcement and Criminal
Justice Commission," be and is hereby added to Article XIII, Chapter 2,