Montgomery County 2377
titled "Permit to establish, operate, etc., generally—Required," Sec-
tion 80-2, titled "Same—Application for permit generally; informa-
tion to to be shown," Section 80-3, titled "Same—Public hearing on
application; notice," Section 80-7, titled "Same—Reason for refusal of
permit," and Section 80-8, titled "Revocation or suspension of permit
or license"; Chapter 95A, titled "Recreational Campgrounds of a
Commercial Nature," Laws of Montgomery County 1966, by repealing
and re-enacting, with amendments, Section 95A-4, titled "Fees";
Chapter 102, titled "Solicitors," of the Montgomery County Code 1965,
as amended, by repealing and re-enacting Section 102-5, titled "Same
—Fee; issuance; contents," to authorize the Council by law to reg-
ulate and license hotels, tourist homes, trailers, etc.; auction sales,
dances, soirees, public amusements or other entertainment to which
the general public is admitted upon payment of a fee, club houses,
sanitariums, hospitals, private educational institutions, graveyards,
convalescent homes, signs, roadside stands, etc.; to provide for the
registration of bicycles and the regulation thereof; to authorize the
County Executive to set license fees for campgrounds; to authorize
the Council by law to license and regulate pawnbrokers and closing-
out sales; to authorize the Council by law to adopt regulations con-
cerning obstructions on public property; to authorize the County
Executive to establish license fees for solicitors; to require the filing
of applications for licenses for outdoor theaters, and certain speci-
fied certificates pertaining thereto with the County; to provide for
hearing by administrative board, hearing examiner, or Board of
Appeals on outdoor theater licenses and to authorize appeals to the
Circuit Court from Council decision or to County Board of Appeals
from decisions of the Department of Inspection and Licenses or the
Director thereof; to eliminate provision for rehearing of outdoor
theater licenses; to provide for hearings before administrative board,
Hearing Examiner, or other board or agency on permits for the
establishment of graveyards, etc.; to eliminate references to notice
procedures under Section 2-28, titled "Procedure for adoption of rules,
standards, regulations and ordinances," of the Montgomery County
Code 1965, and other amendments to conform to the Charter of Mont-
gomery County.
Be It Enacted by the County Council for Montgomery County, Maryland,
Section 1. Section 12-3, titled "Authority to regulate and license,"
and Section 12-6, titled "Authority to regulate," of Chapter 12, titled
"Hotels, Tourist Homes, Trailers, etc.," of the Montgomery County Code
1965, are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as
12-3. Authority to regulate and license.
The Council is hereby authorized by law to adopt such regulations
concerning the operation, maintenance and conduct of any of the types
of establishments referred to in this Chapter, including provision of such
licenses and license fees for such establishments, as it may deem appro-
priate. Neither the provisions of this Chapter nor the provisions of any
law adopted hereunder shall be applicable within the corporate limits of
any incorporated municipality or special taxing area within the County
which by law has authority to enact similar regulations.