2202 Municipal Charters
South 7 degrees 18 minutes 54 seconds West 93.35 feet, thence South 81
degrees 00 minutes 55 seconds West 50.25 feet, thence South 75 degrees
24 minutes 53 seconds West 101.98 feet, thence South 86 degrees 43 minutes
30 seconds West 50.0 feet, thence North 74 degrees 36 minutes 29 seconds
West 45.23 feet, thence South 86 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds West 50.0
feet, thence South 84 degrees 20 minutes 02 seconds West 107.25 feet,
thence South 72 degrees 56 minutes 15 seconds West 86.12 feet, thence
South 86 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds West 62.6 feet, and South 3 degrees
08 minutes 50 seconds East 295.64 feet to intersect the present Corporate
Boundary of Williamsport, thence with it South 65 degrees 57 minutes
West 200.0 feet to the place of beginning; said area being shown and
designated on a plat on file in the office of the Clerk Treasurer of the
Town of Williamsport. Said plat being incorporated herein by reference.
Whereas, at a meeting of the Mayor and Council held on the 8th day
of December, 1969, there was presented a written petition signed by per-
sons who are the owners of all of the real property located in said area,
or the duly authorized representatives of said owners of real property,
requesting that the corporate boundaries of the Town of Williamsport be
enlarged by annexing thereto the area herein above described in the title
of this resolution; and
Whereas, subsequent thereto, on the 8th day of September, 1970, at a
regular meeting of the Mayor and Council, and on the 6th day of October,
1970, at a meeting of the Mayor and Council, said petitions were again
presented and made a part of the record requesting said annexation ;
Whereas, the Mayor has caused to be made pursuant to Article 23-A,
Section 19, of the Annotated Code of Maryland, a verification of the signa-
tures on said petitions and has ascertained that the persons who have
signed said petition represent at least 25% of the persons who reside in
said area and who are registered voters in County elections and the owners
of at least 25% of the assessed valuation of the real property located in
said area; and all of which matters appear and incorporated by reference
in this resolution to the Certification of Verification, dated October 6, 1970,
subscribed and sworn to by Warren M. Seymour, Clerk-Treasurer of the
Town of Williamsport, and presented at the meeting of October 6, 1970,
and presented at this meeting.
Section 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council
of the Town of Williamsport, Maryland, that the corporate boundaries of
the Town of Williamsport be and the same are hereby enlarged by adding
or annexing thereto the area adjoining the present Northeasterly corporate
boundaries as more particularly described in the title to this resolution;
Section 2. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the conditions
and circumstances applicable to the change and enlargement of said cor-
porate boundaries and to the residence and property within the area so
annexed, are as follows:
(A) That the persons residing in the area to be annexed, and all
of their property, and all of the real property located within the confines
of the description referred to in this resolution, shall be added to the
corporate boundaries of the Town of Williamsport, Maryland.
(B) That the persons residing in the area to be annexed, and all
property located therein shall be generally subject to the provisions of the
Charter of the Town of Williamsport, Maryland, and the ordinances and