I hereby certify that the aforegoing is a true, literal and correct copy
of Charter Resolution No. 4 passed by The Mayor and Common Council of
Westminster at a meeting duly held at the City Hall, Westminster, Mary-
land, on October 19, 1970, and I further certify that said Charter Resolu-
tion No. 4 is still in full force and effect.
Witness my hand with the seal of The Mayor and Common Council
of Westminster hereto affixed this 26th day of October, 1970.
Joseph H. Hahn, Jr., Mayor
Washington County
RESOLUTION of the Council of the Town of Williamsport, Maryland
to enlarge the Corporate boundaries
RESOLUTION of the Council of the Town of Williamsport, Mary-
land, adopted pursuant to the authority of Article XI-E of the Con-
stitution of Maryland and Section 19 of Article 23-A of the Annotated
Code of Maryland, title "Corporations—Municipal," subtitle, "Home
Rule," subheading "Annexation," as said section was enacted by
Chapter 314 of the Laws of Maryland of 1961, and as amended by
Chapter 410 of the Laws of Maryland of 1967, to enlarge the corporate
boundaries of the Town of Williamsport, as presently defined by a copy
of the courses and distances showing the exact corporate limits of the
Town as filed with the Clerk in the Circuit Court for Washington
County, Maryland, the Commissioner of Land Offices of the State of
Maryland, and the Director of the Department of Legislative Ref-
erence, in accordance with the Laws of the State of Maryland and in
accordance with Section 4 of the Municipal Charter of the Town of
Williamsport, as adopted July 8, 1957, and as amended by a resolution
adopted March 6, 1959, by adding or annexing the said corporate
boundaries the following area adjoining the present Northeasterly
corporate boundary, to-wit:
Beginning at a point in the division line between Cloverton and the
lands of the Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company of Maryland,
said point being at the end of 2032.92 feet in the North 65 degrees 57
minutes East 2862.42 foot line of the present Corporate Boundary of
Williamsport, and running thence along said division line and the division
line between Cloverton and the lands of C. William Hetzer, Incorporated
North 3 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds West 1224.62 feet, and North 20
degrees 12 minutes 30 seconds West 41.39 feet, thence leaving said division
line and running North 86 degrees 03 minutes 30 seconds East 823.15
feet to the East marginal line of Shawnee Terrace, thence along said
marginal line South 3 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds East 716.96 feet,
thence crossing it and continuing in a straight line South 86 degrees 43
minutes 30 seconds West 190.0 feet, thence South 3 degrees 16 minutes
30 seconds East 60.0 feet, thence North 86 degrees 43 minutes 30 seconds
East 130.0 feet, thence South 3 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds East 3.0
feet, thence binding on the right of way of the State Roads Commission