Westminster 2197
Forms and cards:
(b) It shall be the duty of the Board of Registration to prescribe the
style, color, quality and dimensions of all forms, cards, and records re-
quired for the permanent registration of voters as herein provided; and to
prescribe the requirements of the cabinets, binders and other equipment
needed for filing the original and duplicate registration cards. No par-
ticular design or make shall be prescribed for such cabinets, binders or
other equipment. Such registration forms or cards shall consist of an equal
number of original cards or loose-leaf pages of one color, and duplicate
cards or loose-leaf pages of another color, of a size adequate to contain
the information required for books of registry, as specified hereinabove in
this article. Provision shall be made on said cards or loose-leaf pages for
recording the fact that registered voters have or have not voted at each
general, special, or primary election; and space shall be provided for such
recording for a period of not less than twelve years. The fact of voting
shall be indicated by writing the letter "V" in the proper space. Provisions
shall also be made on such cards or loose-leaf pages for showing sub-
sequent changes of address or party affiliation.
Time of Registration:
(c) The Board of Registration may prescribe the hours during which
its office at the City Hall shall be open for registration; but unless the said
Board by unanimous vote decides otherwise, the office shall be open for
such purpose on the fourth Saturday of each month before the Clerk of
said Board or any member thereof between the hours of 9 o'clock, A.M.,
and 12 o'clock, noon, beginning on the first fourth Saturday of the month
following the effective date of this Charter Amendment.
(d) All persons applying at the office of the Board of Registration
shall be examined under oath as to their names, addresses, age, qualifica-
tions as voters and right to register and vote.
Cancellation of Registration:
(e) If a registered voter in the City has not voted at least once at a
general or special election within six preceding calendar years, it shall be
the duty of the Board of Registration, unless cause to the contrary be
shown, to cause the registration of such voter to be cancelled by removing
the registration card or forms of said voter from the original and duplicate
files and placing the same in a transfer file; provided, however, before such
cancellation, notice shall be mailed to such voter addressed to the address
given in the registration of such voter, notifying such voter to appear
before such board at a date specified in such notice, not earlier than one
week or later than two weeks from the date of mailing such notice, and to
show cause why his or her name should not be cancelled as a voter. A
voter whose registration has been cancelled under this subsection shall not
thereafter be eligible to vote except by registering again as in this Charter
Resolution provided.
Section 2. BE IT RESOLVED by the authority aforesaid that the
Charter of said municipal corporation as set forth in Sections 737-796 of
the Code of Public Laws of Carroll County (Everstine, 1965), as amended,
be and the same is hereby amended by adding a new section thereto follow-
ing immediately after Section 739 and to be known as Section 739A.